Status: completed

Broken Storm


Frank's POV*

"Day one of Storm recovery. This is Frank Iero; code name Rainbow Raccoon. I have set foot in room Ray, population, Ray. Code name; Reading Rainbow."
"Shut up. I'm recording." I shuffle around the room for a second, then exit, walking down to Bob's room.
"Bob's room is baron and empty. All life is what appears to be gone."
"HEY! I'm right here!"
"Oh, my bad, I didn't notice you. Uh....This is Bob. Code name Bobert6646."
"Why the numbers?"
"Because I said so shut up. I'm recording." I again exit the room, this time Bob following me.
I make my way to Mikey's room.
"I have entered room Mikey! Code name! Pink Unicorn! I- hey....where IS Mikey?" I wing the camcorder around, looking for Mikey. He wasn’t even in his closet.
Maybe he escaped to Mexico.
I push the pause button and turn to Bob.
"Where could he be?"
"Hmm." I start the recording again and decide to go see Thorne, and then try to find Mikey. Who knows, trying to find Mikey could be a positive outlook to this Storm recovery. Reaching the end of the hall, I kick her door open.
"I HAVE ENTERED ROOM THO----oh this could be bad." I pushed the pause button yet again and dropped the camera from my vision, my eyes adjusting to the semi bright room, resting on Mikey and Thorne, who never even moved.
They were asleep.
"Frank turn that thing off! You’re going to wake them up!" Bob hissed, flipping the camcorder off.
"What the heck is he doing in here?"
"I don’t know."
"Is she....cheating on him?"
"I don't know... I don', who knows. I don’t."
I kept on watching them until Mikey moved, causing me to hide behind the partly opened door. All he did was moving his arm to around Thorne's waist, which pushed my curiosity farther.
"Let’s get out of here." Bob hissed, pulling me back into Ray's bedroom.
"Whi-ye?" I whined as he shut the door.
"'s none of our business."

We heard a noise.
I pushed my head up against the wall, trying to hear what they were saying.
"....Thanks....last night.....couldn’t sleep."
That’s all I heard from Thorne.
"Don’t......Anytime.....need me.....Gee."
What the hell is going on? I am totally lost.
Lost as a moth in the day time.
I heard Mikey walking down the hall with Thorne, talking about whatever.
I could hear them better now.
"I don’t want you to slip down the stairs. Hold on...Erf!"
I think he picked her up....?
"Don’t do that!"
Or did he.....

It was going to be a very interesting day.