Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

Mikey picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, hauling me down the stairs and setting me in my chair, pushing me to the kitchen.
"Okay...So what do you want for breakfast?"
"Mikey I don’t care. Something to eat."
" about.... (He pauses to open the fridge) Some..... Pancakes?" He pulls them out, smiling that dopy smile and putting them in the Microwave.
"Sure. That sounds good."
It was hard to put a happy face on for Mikey, even if I wanted to cry so badly.
After a minute or so, Mikey pulled the Pancakes out of the microwave and set them on the table in front of me, taking some for him as well. Frank came running down the stairs and sat down diagonal from me, squinting his eyes really hard.
"What?" I asked in between bites.
"Okay." I just watched him as he brought his camcorder up to his face.
"This is Thorne. Code name Black Rose." He turns the camera toward his face and says.
"Incase you forgot, I'm Fire Bird."
"No your not! You-"
"YesIamshutup!" He says really fast, turning the camera back toward me.
"So Black Rose. How do you feel on day one of Storm Recovery?"
"Broken." I said, wheeling my way to the door, which I opened. Pushing myself up, I made my way down the stairs as Bob carried my chair for me. Getting back in, Mikey pushed me to the car and loaded my chair in the trunk. Frank got in before he did, and pushed up against me, camera in my face yet again.
"So, Tell us. What IS wrong with Gee?" He asked, causing everyone to look at me one way or another.
"He....well, what's not wrong with him?" I said, trying not to cry.
"He broke an arm...I think; has some swelling around the brain, and slipped into coma. He also sufferd some pretty bad stab wounds."
"Oh. So do you think he's gonna kick the bucket or-" Bob grabbed the camera and flipped it off, handing it to Ray in the front seat as Mikey pulled into the hospital.
"What was that for?!?!"
"You know." Bob said, getting my chair for me and helping me in.
I took off to the doors before anyone had the chance to grab me.
The sooner I get to see Gerard the better.
I wheel myself up to the desk and smile at the woman behind it.
"Hello!" She says it like nothing is wrong.
"Hi... I'm here to visit Gerard Way."
"Okay, go ahead." Just as I started down the hall, everyone went up to the desk for the same thing. Making my way to the room, I see a sign posted on the door.
Do not enter
Why not?
I wheel myself to my sitting place and just stare at the door, waiting for it to open. The guys caught up to me, panting as if they had run all the way down the hall.
"Why aren’t you in there?"
"Look" I said, making a quick gesture to the sign on the door.
"Oh." Frank came along last, an upset look on his face.
"What’s wrong Frank? Or should I say...Fire Bird."
"We can have cameras in the ER."
"Oh..." I said, smiling at Bob who nodded his head.

We all sat in silence for the next couple of minutes, just kind of staring at the sign on the door.
A nurse came down the hallway quickly, followed by some doctors and people who looked important. They entered the room, and no sooner than they entered, the first nurse came running out.

"I need his vitals! We need his vitals!"
"60 and 30"
"Attention Ethan! We need a spot in the ER Stat! STAT! I don’t care! Old man Jenkins can wait for a hip. This guy needs to be saved!"
"Do we have a pulse? DO WE HAVE A PULSE?" Yelled the doctor in red scrubs.
"Yeah, faint, but still there."
"Okay go! Go! go!go...."
I just sat in shock.
I made my way to the door, assuring myself that those people didn't cart Gee away. I peer inside, no one.
That’s all I remember before it faded to black.