Status: completed

Broken Storm


Ray's POV*

I accelerate the truck, watching the speedometer climb to speeds I would never think of reaching. As Thorne's heartbeat echoes in my head, fast and panicky, I force myself to keep my eyes on the road. How far away was the hospital?
Not close enough.
Finally I pulled into the well-lit parking lot of the hospital and whipped the truck's door open. Pulling Thorne into my lap and into my arms, I made my way to the entrance, greeting that same nurse at the counter.
How long does this lady stay here?
"Can I- Oh my god... just... we'll get you someone as soon as we can."
"As soon as you can?!?!!! I don’t know if....that's quick enough."
"Sir please sit down... Please."
"Fine" I said, calming down to slow Thorne's heartbeat.
Sitting in the rather uncomfortable cushion seat, I cradled Thorne's body gently in my arms. I waited for about twenty minutes until I lost it.
"Did you even try to get us a room? She's not doing so well"
"Yeah. Just hold on a sec-"
"Down the hall and to the right."
"Thank you." I jogged all the way down the hall and set Thorne down on the bed, watching her in that dazed state. A doctor came in a hooked a bunch of things up to her, putting on one of those lame hospital shirts and handing me her old clothes, which I wrung nervously in my hands.
"Oh dear." He finally said after writing some stuff down and checking some other stuff.
"What dear." I nervously forced out.
"Everything is fine....So...has there been a lot of stress on her lately?"
"Uh... yeah. Her husband is here actually..."
"Oh... Gerard. I can see why she's..."
"She's what?"
"Mr...Toro is it?"
"It appears that Thorne is giving up."
"What does that mean? What does tha-?"
"I'm saying that she is giving up. She no longer wishes to live. We can keep her here for a night or so, but after that if she shows no signs of improving we will have to send her home to die."
"She's not going to die."
"That’s what they all say." He said, getting up out of his chair and fixing his pants.
"Hey! HEY!"
He didn't even stop.
I looked back at Thorne, who was still staring at the ceiling.
"She wouldn’t just give up" I told myself.
I sat their all night, surprised that Mikey and the guys didn’t rush in by now.
Then something happened.
Her eyes moved a little, making contact with mine.
"Hey!" I half whispered, half spoke as I made my way over to the bed. She smiled at me, taking my hand as a tear fell down her face.
"Under my mattress."
"Mikey will understand."
She grabbed onto my face and kissed me hard on the lips.
"So long"
"And goodnight."

And then she shut her eyes.