Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

I sat silent in the truck all the way home, speaking only when spoken to. I was just so happy Gerard was alive that I was concerned about Mikey.
Why did I need to get him to Gerard so fast?
When Ray turned the ignition off, I thanked him quickly for driving me and all that shit,
Then I went inside.
Bob was on the couch with Frank, who was trying to watch T.V.
"Hey guys. Where's Mikey."
"He's.....Oh jeez I Dunno. Nice to see you alive." Frank said without even taking his eyes from the screen.
"Thanks" I said sarcastically, making my way upstairs.
I sounded like an elephant with my cast slamming down onto the stairs.
Walking down the hall, I stopped at Mikey's door, which was not quite shut, but just open enough to push it open quietly. I slinked in, noticing he wasn’t on his couch, meaning he was in his bed or something.
"Hey Mikes?" I pushed his closet open to see Mikey quickly and diligently pulling a razor over his pale skin, leaving little cuts that bled little (Thank god)
"Mikey!" I yelled, pulling the razor out of his hands and gripping it hard in mine, throwing it against (into) the wall, causing it to cut my fingers.
He just stared at me, and then went to grab the razor back.
I tackled him down to the bed, his arms wrapping around be, blood making my shirt stick to my back.
"I’m sorry Thorne."
"You didn't do anything wrong Mikey."
"I thought you guys were dead."
"We're not dead Mikey. Gerard opened his eyes today. He talked to me. He's alive Mikes...He's ALIVE." He started crying, scrunching my hair in his hands, tears running down my neck and chest.
I pulled back from his bloody hug and pulled his glasses off his face.
"Mikey. Stop crying....calm down okay hun? Mikes, we can go see him whenever you need to. He's coming home soon, and everything will be normal."
"Really?" He asked as I wiped the tears from his face.
"Really really."
"Can we go now?"
"If you want."
"Lets." He sat up, gently pushing me off of him and reaching around for his glasses.
"Hey Mikes?"
"You should clean up a bit. I have some gauze and stuff for you."
And that’s what he did.