Status: completed

Broken Storm


Mikey's POV*

Jumping into the truck and starting the engine, I inhaled long and full. It seemed like for the first time in a while I felt happy.
I was happy when Gerard asked Thorne to get married,
And I'm happy now.

We started up the road to the hospital, Thorne's head resting on my shoulder as we sang along to Alanis Morissette. Ironic I think.
We pulled in to the drab buildings parking lot, and I helped Thorne out of the truck and into the building, where that SAME lady greeted us.
"Gerard Way" I said, waiting for her reply.
"Go ahead"
We started down the hall, holding hands because we were both so happy, and chatting about the game 'high-ho-cheerio' for whatever reason. Pushing the door open, we entered the bright white room.
"Hey Mikes" Gerard said, smiling at me.
"Long time no see." I couldn’t help but squeal and run over to give him a big hug.
"GerardIamsohappytoseeyou!IthoughteveryonewasdeadsoIdidthatthingagainbutThornesavedmeand....Am I talking to fast?"
"Just a little. As long as you’re not to beat up." He takes my hands in his and turns them over, getting a good look at my wrists.
A nurse paraded in, a happy glow on her face.
"Mr. Way?" I watched Gerard quickly glance up at her.
"You are free to go. You can leave in an hour okay?"
"Thanks" The nurse left in a flash, leaving Gerard to break out in laughter.
"I am going HOME! Hallelujah! Praise the lord!" Thorne walked over and hugged him.
"And YOU!" He said, pointing to her.
"When are you getting that cast off?"
"Next week?"
"That’s what? Two? Three days?"
"My dad is moving back here."
"Oh god."
"No, he's really nice. I think you two will get along well."
"I can only hope."
"Hey... I was thinking" I interrupted, causing everyone to look at me.
"What Mikes?" Gerard asked, readjusting himself in his bed.
"When we all get better, you should have a real wedding. You know? Like with family and friends.... You know?"
"Mikey that’s a great idea. As long as my dad walks me down the isle."
"That can be arranged." I said, smirking.
We all sat, discussing little things like that until the nurse came in, shooing us out to help Gerard.
He came out on his feet, embracing Thorne and then me, tears on his face.
"Why you crying Gee?"
I asked, holding in tears of my own.
"Cos I'm lucky to be alive." Thorne smiled at him.
"Now let’s go home. I'm saying my final goodbyes to this hospital."
"Alright. But I get to drive" I protested, knocking into him.
"Alright..... Then I call shotgun!"
"Hey!" Thorne whined, hip checking him.
"And you can sit in the middle."
As we walked out, bickering, Things felt normal
Normal is good.