Status: completed

Broken Storm


Ray's POV*

I plopped down on the couch and exhaled.
It was a long day.
Excruciatingly long if you ask me.
Thorne had been upstairs for almost thirty minutes, so I figured I would head on up and crash in her bed room next to Bob.
"Hey, are you awake?" Bob asked, poking my ribs.
"Yes I'm awake. I'm heading up right now. Care to join me?"
"Mmm hmm"
I waited for him to start up the stairs before I pulled it out.
A locket.
It was small in the palm of my monstrous hand, silver reflecting the dim light in the room.
Closing my fingers around it, I brought my fist up to my lips, breath whistling in my nostrils as I recalled that exact moment.

"Merry Christmas Thorne."
"Aren’t you goanna open it?"
"I don’t need a present."
"Hey. Gerard won't be gone forever. He's goanna be fine."
"Fine." She said, ripping off the flashy wrappings and sucking in her breath as her eyes went wide.
"Ray!" She whispered, holding the picture tight in her hands.
"I thought you would like it." I said just as quietly. She stared down at the photo, fingers running over the rough frame edges.
It was a simple picture.
I think the priest took it.
Yeah, that sounds right.
It was all of us, Thorne and Gerard in the middle,
Me and bob on Thorne's side,
Frank and Mikey on Gerard's.
We had smiles stretched across our faces;
True, sincere smiles, none of that fake crap.
"Ray this is.....This is beautiful."
"It's nothing."
"It's something. I feel like shit now, I didn't get you anything."
"You don't need to get me anything."
"Yes I do. Hold on." She reaches around her neck and unhooks a necklace, placing it in the palm of my hand.
"It's a locket. My dad gave it to me when I was little."
"Thorne, I-"
She presses a finger to my lips and curls my fingers around the heart.
"I want you to have it."

I snapped out of the memory and went upstairs, fingernails digging into my palm. I put my pajama pants on and then stopped. Unhooking the clamps, I slipped the locket around my neck where it dangled by my collarbone. I reached to my left and grabbed my tee and pulled it over my head, hiding the necklace. Grabbing up my mattress, I made my way next door, throwing it down on the ground with a thud, which woke Bob up.
"Is Thorne out of the shower?"
"Yes. She's just invisible."
"Dork" I said, flopping down. I tried to stay awake, but I found myself drifting off shortly after making the promise.
Then I heard a noise, but stopped myself from jumping so I didn't wake Bob up.
I snapped my eyes open and looked out into the dim room, catching glimpse of Thorne.
Naked, of course.
I shut my eyes, thinking.
Who cares if you look? She cant see you, and if she does, she'd understand It's human nature.
She's Gerard's husband.
I snapped my eyes open and shut like that for a few minutes, just looking at her perfect curves in the dim light.
Snapping my eyes shut one last time, I heard;
“You guys having fun?"