Status: completed

Broken Storm


Gerard's POV*

"Gerard is so sexy when he sleeps."
I opened my eyes to that sound, comforted for a moment, then completely embarrassed.
I sat up and thrashed around, trying to find him, but I was blinded by the morning light let in by the cheap hotel blinds.
Then I remembered something.
Today was my wedding day.
And I could see Thorne again... I could hold her in my arms for good and never let go.

Oh god, the thought of her made me so....
"Whoa Gerard! I know I'm just as sexy, but uh... your'e getting like, married today an--"
"Shut the fuck up! It's not you..... It’s...” I suddenly realized I was naked. I reached around blindly for the sheets, which I'm guessing where taken off, so I jumped off the bed and grabbed Mikey's shirt, pulled it off and pulled it down over my head.
(Thank god Mikey liked long tee-shirts.)

I turned to face them, my eyes finally adjusting to the light.
Frank was grinning ear-to-ear, and Mikey was kind of just making this face, not knowing whether to crack up in a sick laughter, or to be totally grossed out at the sight of my erection.

I hurried into the bathroom, quite flustered, and took a quick shower just for the sake of it.
When I stepped out, I wrapped one of those fluffy towels around my abdomen.
Walking out into my bedroom, I lifted my eyes to the 'party' on my bed.
Everyone was on it, waiting for me.
Frank lost it the second he saw me and Mikey was quick to look down and pull a pillow over his lap. Thorne's father squinted at me.
"Get your pants on, Gerard"
"I will before we go." I said, brushing some beads of water off my arms.
"I know why Gerard doesn't want to- Oof!" Mikey whacked Frank across the stomach.
I will have to thank him for that later.
"Fine, were leaving in about.... a half hour. Eat." He threw a bagel at me.

Needless to say, I joined Mikey and Frank on the couch, watching Freddie leave the room to go get ready. I wolfed down the bagel, despite Frank turning bright red. Getting back up, I pulled my tux out of the closet and pulled the plastic off of it. Mikey smiled as I pulled my towel off and pulled my pants up, not at me in general, but because I was actually having a real wedding.
Finishing off the tux, I went to help Mikey tie his tie, and part his hair. (He is such a girl)
Exiting the room, I returned the keys to the receptionist, and walked out to the car where Frank and Freddie were waiting for us.
"COME on Gerard!" Frank called, putting the extra emphasis on come.
I hate him.

We took off to the A Villa Luisa (a nicer one, outside and everything) and we must have gotten their just in time.
I ran up to the front, Mikey and Frank at my side.
The priest took his spot next to me, leaving empty spaces for Thorne, Ray and Bob.
My eyes quickly scanned the crowed of people, first Thorne's side, and then mine.
People stared at me as if I was a killer of some sorts, and anger and hate throbbed in my ears.
I ran my eyes over the front row, catching glimpse of my mom and dad, whispering to each other (first time I’ve seen them together)
I could read their lips.

Donna: I feel bad for that little girl.
Donald: Eh, I just showed up for the free stuff.

I hate them both.
Just as I was about to say something to each of them, give them a piece of my mind,
Music started playing.