Status: completed

Broken Storm


Gerard's POV*

My glances turned to the small space in the back, where Ray marched out, giving me a small smirk then looking down at his feet, Bob close to follow, giving me a grin to let me know what was to come. Mikey hit me softly in my side when Thorne came out. I didn't want to look, I was kind of nervous. He nudged me again, letting me know I should look up. When I did, I felt like I had been sucker-punched by Mikey.

Thorne came walking down the isle, blushing from the smile I had cracked her, and also from the fact that everyone was watching her. Her dress flowed behind her, and it showed off her pale shoulders and tender skin. I gave a quick smile to Mikey, who smiled back at me, fixing his glasses. She took her rightful place next to me, smiling nervously and taking my hand, giving it a quick squeeze. The priest smiled at us and went off on that whole speech about life and death, vows and blah blah blah. The whole time we were just staring each other in the eyes, happy because we were together, nervous because we barley knew these people. FINALY he got done with his crap and said the words we were both waiting for.
"You may kiss the bride"

Thorne shifted her glance to mine. Standing on her tip-toes she pressed her lips against mine. I pulled back after a moment and embraced her, trying not to cry out of sheer joy. We pulled back from that just as some flurries drifted to the ground, almost as if they were over-filled pillows that children would use to hit each other with. Some of the flakes stuck to Thorne’s eyelashes, and she blinked them out, dusting some out of my hair. Taking her hand, we followed everyone out to the tent in back, where we exhaled and fell into each others arms.

Looking out on the lake from the tent, we waited for the DJ to introduce us.
I whispered;
“It’s beautiful out”
“I usually don’t like snow”
”You okay?” I asked, pulling her into my arms.
“You don’t sound it.”
“I just…. I don’t know what I did right.”
”Everything” I whispered, pulling her out into the open as the DJ shouted

”And now, for the first time- I am proud to introduce Mr. AND Mrs. Gerard Way!”
Everyone started clapping and whistling. They don’t care. They BARELEY know us, and they most likely think we’re killers. We didn’t kill anyone- hello!

“I don’t know about you, folks, but I would like to see this lovely couple dance!!! Yeeeah! Alright, well, I think it is time….. To celebrate… The first dance.”

I leaned into her once more.
“What did you pick?”
“You’ll see.” She said, leading me out to the dance floor.

At first I couldn’t tell what it was; but when I did, I had to stop myself from crying.
“Long December” I whispered.
“It was a long December.”
”Theirs reason to believe”
”Maybe next year will be better than the last.”
“I promise you it will. I promise”

She wiped a tear from her face and gripped onto me tight.
“I’m crying all over you” She said.
“That’s okay. As long as their good tears.” She nuzzled my chest.

Resting my chin on her head, my gaze fell past the crowds and to the snow, dancing in the air and exploding on the ground. I began to wonder what the future would bring us, what would happen to Mikey, Ray, Frank and Bob; and most importantly- what would happen to me.

The next thing you know, the song was over, and we were overcome with distant relatives and before you knew it, Thorne was ripped from my grasp and was sent over to her side, me to mine. Everything was going okay, I was having small conversations with my family and (whatever was left of) my friends. Mikey walked over and tapped my shoulder.

”Dude, I think we have a problem”