Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne’s POV*

Being ripped from Gerard wasn’t easy- or fun for that matter. I met up with my cousin, Billy, whom I haven’t seen in what feels like forever. Overall, everyone was happy to see me; that is, everyone, until I ran into my mom.

“Thorne.” I spun around, facing her.
“I didn’t think you wanted to come, mother.”
“I didn’t. I came to talk you out of this.”
”I don’t need talking out. I love Gerard, Mama, why can’t you just see that?”
“I don’t want you to loose your vir-“
”Mom! Just… SHUT UP! I love Gerard, and he LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME!!”
“You were a mistake.”
“YOU were never supposed to happen. When I first got pregnant, I was so excited. I picked out the perfect name. I went and got a sonogram. That’s when I found out I was having twins, I was pretty upset. You threw a wrench in the works. Since I couldn’t get rid of you, I had to name you. Rose first, then Thorne. Roses are always more beautiful, more everything. But with every Rose comes a Thorne, a flaw of some kind. The one thing that fucks everything up. I made everything better for Rose; I ate neater, behaved better. But with you in mind, I drank, smoked, and went back to all my old habits. You are such a mistake, such a flaw, it’s not even funny.”
“I hate you” I said, stunned at the sudden confession.
“Don’t say that to your mother!”
”I’m going to say whatever the fuck I want!” I yelled.
“SLUT!” She yelled, slapping me across the face. My mouth fell open in surprise and hate. I felt tears brimming behind my eyes, so I started to the hall on the opposite side of the yard. I heard running steps behind me, and Rose put a strong grip on my shoulder.
“Thorne don’t—“
”Don’t touch me, Rose…. I might make you a slut.”
I broke away from her and made my way inside, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. Going down the stairs and into the lounge, I sat down in the corner and listened to the rhythmic beat of my heart and the sound of dishes clanging in the kitchen upstairs.
Pulling my ring off, I turned it over in my hand, trying to find the inscription.

Demolition Lovers

“What the hell?” I asked out loud, staring at the inscription. Suddenly, the quiet clanging and beat of my heart were interrupted by the slam of doors, and heavy footsteps; startling me and causing me to slide my ring back on quickly.

“I found her guys!” Gerard yelled, running over to me.

“Hey” he said quietly, tipping my chin up to look me in the eyes. Another tear fell down my face, and Gerard was quick to kiss it off the tip of my nose.
“Stop crying.”
“I was…. A mistake.” I said between hiccups.
“Don’t say that babe… don’t say that.”
”I was. She told me”
“Well, if that’s the case, then you my favorite mistake.” I smiled at him, sliding off my chair to hug him.

“Wanna go back?”
”Yeah.” I said, getting up and lacing fingers with him.
“I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“Gerard….” I protested as he dragged me outside.

He led me to the dance floor once more and sat me down in a chair.
”Gerard what the hell?” I whispered.
“Stay… Just… just…. You’ll see.” He backed up, staring at me, and then turning to run to the set up by the DJ. Taking the mic, he licked his lips and scanned the crowed for a moment.
“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Gerard asked as everyone grew silent.

“Alright, sick. Uh… first off, thanks for coming we really appreciate it. Uh… and second of all… I would like to introduce my band- We are My Chemical Romance, and today we will be performing a song that I wrote for the most beautiful girl in the world. I like to call it; Demolition Lovers.”