Status: completed

Broken Storm


Gerard’s POV*

“Hmm?” I asked, not pulling away from Thorne’s kiss.
“Hmm” She answered, pulling away from me.
“Baay-beee” I whined, trying to pull her back into a kiss.
“Gerard.” She said, pulling me in front of her.
“Not here, okay?”
“Mmm” I mumbled, staring out the window of the limo. I exhaled long and heavy, knotting my hands in my lap.
“Be patient babe.” She said, running her hand up my shoulder.
“Don’t do that” I said, brushing it off.
“Why not?” She asked, doing it again.
”Because why?”
“Because you know what it does to me” I whispered, pulling her onto my lap and kissing her passionately. We stayed like that for a minute, engaged in a beautiful kiss that would have lasted a lifetime.
Then my phone rang.
Thorne pulled away and gave me that ‘please let it ring’ look.
I exhaled and pulled the phone out of my pocket, flipping it open.

“Uhmmmm yesh… this is…phhht….dew yew happen…to know…phhhhhmmt…if your refrigerator is… Running? Mmmmmmm…?”
“Did I interrupt anything?”
“No. Were still in the limo. If you had been interrupting, I wouldn’t have known because I would have turned the phone off.”
“What do you want, Mikey?”
“Eh, just wanted to say goodnight.”
“Hold on, I’ll put you on speaker.” I held the phone to my stomach for a second.

“Mikey?” She whispered.
“Yeah” I said, pushing the small button on the side of the phone.

“Mikes?” She asked.
“Oh! Hi Thorne!”
”Sup Mikes?”
“Can you do something for me?”
“Oh yes!”
“Can you watch the guys and make sure they stay safe?”
“Oh yes!”
“Thanks Mikey.”
”Can I tell you a secret?”
“Yeah Mikey.”
“I’m happy you’re my sister.”
”And I’m happy you’re my brother.”
“Goodnight Thorne.”
“Goodnight Mikey.”
”Goodnight Gerard.”
”’Night Mikes.”

I flipped the phone shut as the usher opened our door up.
“Thank you so much.”
“No problem.”

I helped Thorne out of the limo and into the Hotel Bella Muerte.
I led her to the check-in desk, where I grabbed the keys from the Frenchmen at the table, and made my way to the elevator.
“How the hell did my dad afford this?” Thorne asked out loud as I pulled her into my arms and kissed the crown of her head gently.
“Dunno.” I answered as the doors opened.

We walked down the hall to our room, fingers laced.

“This is weird.”
”What’s weird babe?”
”We haven’t crashed… We haven’t been shot at… Someone must be waiting for us at the end of the hall with a chainsaw or something.” She said, peering around the corner.
“No chainsaws, babe… you know what that means!” I said, swiping the card and putting my hands over her eyes.

“You’re going to rape me?”
”…It’s not rape if you like it.” I whispered.
“Oh, in that case….” She said, unzipping her dress as I shut the door.

I walked across the room and kissed her, pulling her dress off from around her ankles and pushing her onto the bed. Pulling my jacket off, Thorne started working on my shirt, and I was quick to unsnap her bra. I kissed both of her breasts, first one, then the other, and she let out a small moan.
“Gerard” She whispered, pushing my head down to her neck, which I kissed tenderly.
“Yeah, baby?” I said, pulling back a second to look her in the eyes.

“Lets go, and never turn back.” She forced out in between gasps for breath.
“What do you want?”
”I want it all to come down this time.” She said, pulling me on top of her, where I gladly descended onto her.

I gripped onto her waist hard, thrusting into her without warning, which caused her to shout in pleasure. Working harder and faster, she thrusted her hips upward to match my motions, her sweaty skin teasing me.
She gripped the sides of the bed and the sheets in her hands, and in that moment I knew we were both about to climax.
When we did, I took advantage of her arched back, and leaned in to suck on the skin of her collar bone as we rode it out.

Collapsing on top of her, my skin stuck to her breast.

“Why the hell are you always on the bottom?” I asked, sliding up her and next to her so she could look me in the eye, or legs and arms tangled.
“Because I feel safe under you.” She whispered, hugging me as we slipped under the covers.
“Don’t ever let me go, baby.” I said, pressing her head against my chest.
“I’m not planning on it.” She said, kissing me then pulling away suddenly.

“Now, lets go through these gifts.” I groaned.
“Why baby?”
”Well, it’s mostly cards, and besides, I like gifts!”
“Fine.” I shuffled over, watching her walk and bend, picking up stray clothes and such.

“You looking at my butt?” She asked, sitting down and picking up a few cards.
“Yeah.” I said, picking up a card of my own.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the writing on the front of the envelope.
Taking it in both hands, I stared at it for a second more, then slid it under my legs so Thorne couldn’t see it. We sat for a hour or so, opening stuff up and talking about how we could use it, or if we should thank them or not.

“Wanna hit the hay?” Thorne said eventually, yawning.
“Hell yeah” I answered, getting up and grabbing the note, then following Thorne to bed. I slid it under my pillow and let Throne embrace me as we drifted into sweet dreams.