Status: completed

Broken Storm


I forced myself to look up into Gerard’s eyes. They pierced through mine like switchblades. His hand slipped out from in between his legs and up to my face. His thumb grazed my cheekbone as we just sat, staring. I reached up gingerly and laid my hand over his. He stared intently at me for a moment. Some impulse took over and I couldn't help my self. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his and he wrapped his arms around my small frame. His hands ran up and down my wet spine as I ran my fingers through his slightly knotted hair. He bit down on my lower lip and I cried out in satisfaction. My body molded to his, fitting in perfectly like a puzzle piece. Just then, the lights went out; and I jumped in the sudden surprise. I think Gerard was afraid of the dark, because his hand flew to mine, gripping it so hard I felt his nails digging in. Thunder boomed just outside the jail walls. I could hear nothing except Gerard's Ragged breathes.
"CRACK!" What I assumed was lightning hit the roof above us. The wall to the left of us exploded into heavy flames.
"Holy shit! Thorne we have to get out!" Gerard screamed.
I got up quickly and winged the heavy mahogany open. Before me stood the sturdy iron bars that meant life or a fiery, painful death. I grabbed on and pulled hard as I could. The bars cracked a little, but didn't budge.
"Thorne move!" called Gerard.
I stepped aside just in time, as Gerard grabbed a chair at the back end of the room and rammed it into the bars again and again. "SNAP" one of the bars broke from the wielding and I jumped up to grab it. The sharp top edges sliced into my hand, and I winced at the sudden pain but forced myself to climb up the bars.
"What the Hell are you doing?" Gerard yelled, confused and angry.
"I’m getting out." His eyes brimmed with tears.
"Gerard I’m coming back, trust me. I would never leave you here. Never."
He handed me a shirt marked Ramones and I threw it on the other side of the door. Sliding through was easy, considering I was slippery with water, and sweat. I jumped down to the floor. And turned back.
"Don’t waist time! GO!"
I ran down the hall and stopped dead. There was no one around. We were alone, forgotten. Then it hit me. They knew the storm was coming, and put all the prisoners in the basement for protection. I lost my balance for a second, and then wiped some blood on the side of my leg. I took a step forward and cried out in pain and surprise. Keys. I bent over and scooped them up, running back down the hall to Gerard. How many keys do you need? I shoved one after another into the small hole, panicking.
"STOP" I told myself I looked at the hole intently. It was old, I could tell. I let my fingers run over the different keys. Sharp, sharp, smooth, sh-wait. Smooth? I picked the key out and shoved it into the hole. It fit. Turn, turn, careful. The door popped open and I pulled the key out.
He ran out of the cell and embraced me with the arms that had just held me with care.
"Never leave me ever again. Never."