Believe in Me


Saying goodbye to this particular building wasn't difficult. It was more of the fact that I'm going somewhere new as opposed to some place that I've seen before. I'm about to live in a place that's not here. Well, this is where the word change comes in, right? I can deal with this. What's life without a little risk and adventure? I think leaving the orphanage and going to live with Kennedy and his family will be like turning over a new leaf for me. And besides, it's not like I can't come back to the Division Orphanage and visit my old friends.

This will be good for me. I know it will.

I packed my clothes into the new suitcase Mrs. Corinne gave me as a going-away present. I hoped to never use it often. I placed my camera in it's special bag and wrapped my pictures up in a portfolio.

I wonder if I could take a lot of nice pictures where my new home will be. Will my new film be just as bold as it was while I was here?

I took one last look at my pale orange room. It's one window let just the right amount of light in. The light hit every corner of the room. The bed was fixed. The desk was empty. The room was quiet.

I smiled to myself. I whispered to the room as I closed the door, "Goodbye."


"Where are we?" I looked outside the passenger seat window of Kenny's sedan. The suburbs looked different. Each house was a different shade of cream. They all had at least one tree in the front yard along with two cars in the driveway. The lawns were drizzled with multi-color leaves. I loved it already.

Kenny kept his eyes on the road, "This, my dear adopted sister, is Scottsdale." He smiled.

Scottsdale. Sounds classy.

"Now," he started again. "Mom and Dad aren't home yet. They said they couldn't get out of work, so it'll be just you, me, and a couple of friends until they get back. Sounds good?"

"Sounds amazing!" I nearly jumped out of my seat. I've been out of the orphanage for less than five hours and I'm already meeting new people. I couldn't be more excited.

Kenny laughed at my enthusiasm. "My friends can be a little off sometimes, mind you, but they're just kidding around."

I spread my lips wide as to show a sarcastic smile. "No biggie. I can handle a few crazy boys."

"Whatever you say." He chuckled.

Kennedy pulled into the driveway of his two-story house. Like the others in the neighborhood, the house was vanilla-colored with a burgandy door. The lawn was also covered with the effects of fall, and the large tree swayed in the November breeze.

He opened the trunk for me. I grabbed my bags and followed him inside.

"I told Dad that you wouldn't want a pink room if I could help it," he joked as he opened the door. "So they settled on red."

I smiled, "I like red."

"Good." He ran up the stairs.

I ran after him with my bags in hand.

Kennedy walked to the nearest bedroom door and swung it open wide. "Voila."

The excitement errupted from my body. I squealed, "AH!" I threw my bags down to the floor and pounced on my waterbed. Hehe, mine. I love the sound of that.

The room was the same shade as the front door. A huge oak armoire stood against the wall opposite the bed. The best part, I must say, was the bay window with the white cotton curtains.

"I love it!" I said with whatever breath I had.

Kennedy yet again laughed at my excitement. "Well, you freshen up. My friends are inviting for a little party at someone's house. Do you mind if we go?"

"Not at all." I beamed.

Parties, parties, parties. They are the very epitome of a teenager's life. And sadly for me, I have been deprived of most opportunities to go to most parties. What better way to loosen up and get attached to my new home? I love it. I must say that I am definitely looking forward to this next month.

Heck, maybe I'll stay longer. No one's stopping me, right?

I ran back to my door as a couple of knocks echoed throughout my room. "Yes?"

"Welcome home!" Kennedy laughed as he handed me a gray bundle. I love this kid.

I smiled as I unfolded the new Glamour Kills off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. "Thanks a bunch." I hugged him. "Brother." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"No problem." He grinned. "Sis." He walked back downstairs.

I closed the door behind me and tried on my new sweatshirt. It looked cute with my skinny jeans on. Regardless of how conceited I felt, looking at myself in the mirror of the giant armoire, I loved it all.

I slipped my phone and a tube of lip gloss into my pocket and hustled back downstairs.

Party time.