Believe in Me


The streets of Scottsdale were clean to say the least. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that I was now living in the model for one of those perfect home ads. Kind of creepy and exciting at the same time.

Kennedy told me to bring my camera to the party. Apparently, these party-goers are very fond of keeping memories. Of course. Who wouldn't want to remember that one time you put down so many shots of tequila that you passed out on the living room floor while strangers drew various cartoons all over your face? That is called black mail, my friend. The whole 'memories' thing is just a gimmick so that the designated photographer doesn't feel too guilty. Kennedy is just lucky that my conscious has a sense of humor.

Kenny cleared his throat and turned down the radio, "Being the responsible brother that I intend to be..."

I rolled my eyes and waited for the rules and restrictions that I was bound to be assigned sooner or later.

"I'd tell you that you can't drink, but that would make me an incredibly naive hypocrite." He laughed. "So go ahead and drink, but not too much. Remember, we're still meeting up with Mom and Dad tonight."

"Next?" I said after making a clear mental note. He was right. I wouldn't want to make a bad impression. And besides, I didn't like the taste of beer unless I was eating something that called for it. No drinking for me. The closest I will come to a beer will be a root beer.

"Next, don't get raped, I beg of you."

"OH! GROSS!" I nearly screamed.

Kenny seemed to enjoy the way I expressed my emotions, cleary and loudly. "What?" He asked with a cocky smile. "I've seen the looks these guys give to innocent looking girls. And for all I know, you might give them the same look back."

I stuck my tongue out at him, "I'm only perverted in my sarcastic comments."

"Kit...." Kenny whined.

"I won't get raped, bro, don't get your floss in a knot." I said with no further thought. "Anything else?"

"I don't believe so." He sighed as we pulled up to the curb of a very crowded house. "Be aware of your camera."

"Kenny, this camera is my baby. I think that statement on its own says enough."

"True." He agreed.

I followed Kennedy up the front porch and into the house. I must say, it was quite a sight. I had the strangest gut feeling that I was the youngest person here. Oh, how this comes to an extreme disadvantage for me.

Lie, Kitty. Lie your butt off.

No. This is my first time meeting these people. Must get on their good side.

"There's the new Brock!" A boy in his twenties, give or take a few, yelled this particular phrase in my direction.

Naturally, I was confused. I'd never been addressed with a last name before. It was only a matter of seconds before I realized that he was talking about me.

Right. I'm the new Brock. This is going to take some getting used to...

Kennedy swung him arm around my shoulder, "Meet the latest edition, guys. This is Kit."

The boy that called to me earlier smiled. He extended his arms to me and pulled me into a hug. Wow, touchy.

"Hey, Kenny. I believe you told me something about not getting raped..." I flashed my eyes to him.

He merely laughed, "He's still just as affectionate when he's sober."

"I don't consider those words of comfort." Not to mention, I was losing blood flow in both arms.

"John," Kennedy spoke. "She needs air."

"Huh," John released me. I felt my arms getting their feel back. "Right, my bad."

I laughed nervously. "No biggie."

"He gives a new meaning to the term going numb," a red-head joked.

"Kit," Kennedy pointed to his friends. "Meet John, Jared, and Pat." He looked around. "Dude, where's Garrett?"

"Beats me." Pat sighed. "The guy splits every two seconds."

"Then you'll meet Garrett later." Kenny grinned. "Go mingle, sis." He nudged me forward.

I used to always think, when in awkward situations, go into the bathroom. It seemed less conspicuous than whipping out one's cell phone every time someone walked by. In all honest thoughts, I'd think you were just a party-pooper and a texting addict.

I grabbed an unopened can of root beer sitting in a tub of iced and swallowed it's contents nonchalantly. Lucky for me, I'd lost sight of Kennedy, John, Pat, and Jared. I didn't need them staring at me while I was trying to get my body to take in more liquid. Not soon after the can was empty, I felt the urge.

"Bathroom run." I whispered to myself.

Being the anti-stranger friendly person that I am, I avoided asking anybody where the bathroom was. Out of instinct, I hustled upstairs.

I inspected each door. Leave it to the owner to be responsible and close all the doors.

"Come on, just choose one..." I hissed.

Eeny... meany... miny... That one.

I bit my lip and swung open the door I had chosen.

Nope. Not the bathroom. Instead, I stood in the middle of a bedroom. The giant Johnny Cash poster stared at me. Although, I must admit that it looked comfortable. I spun around, taking in everything that was around me. One wall had a cork-board on it. The surface of the board was covered in pictures. I studied each one carefully.

"What are you doing in my room?" This particular voice gave me a nasty heart attack.

I turned around only to face a very confused looking boy. His jeans were just as tight as his skin aside from the gaping hole revealing the entirety of his knee. A gray fedora sat on his head covering his brown hair while his eyes bore holes into the seams of my sweater.

"I, well, um, I w-was looking for the bathroom." I stuttered with a shaking body.

He shrugged, "Hm. I didn't think my room looked that bad."

"Oh, not at all!" I spoke with haste. "I just got a little lost."

He walked closer and studied what was before him. "Who are you? As far as I have been told, I know everyone here."

I lowered my eyes, "I'm Kennedy's sister." I looked back up to see his expression.

He backed away, "Oh, jeez. I, um, I'm Garrett." He extended out his hand to me.

I pulled my sleeve back and shook his hand. "Kitty. But Kenny called me Kit."

"Like Night Rider?" Garrett's eyes lit up.

I chuckled, "Yea, like Night Rider."

"Well," he smiled. "I don't know about you, but I think this whole introduction and the situation is kind of embarrassing, so do you want to go back downstairs with me?"

"Sure." I smiled.

It came to me as a bit of a shock when Garrett grabbed my hand and held it in his as we made our way back down to the party scene. It was yet another shock when Kenny appeared at the bottom of the stairs with that same cocky grin on his face.

"Do I need to be your designated driver?" I joked.

Kenny rolled his eyes, "Oh, please. You don't even know the way back to the house yet."

I narrowed my eyes, "Touche."

"So," he put his limp arms around me and Garrett. "What goes on upstairs that calls for both of you? See, this is where I switch on my 'protective brother' mode. How am I doing?"

"Pretty well," I pushed his face away. "You haven't even been my brother for an entire ten hours and I'm already annoyed by you." I laughed.

"Yea, relax, man." Garrett said. "I was just, uh... showing Kit where the bathroom is." He grinned towards me.

I returned the smile to him, "See?" I looked at Kenny. "No mischief."

"Oh, fine." Kennedy. "Right. We need to leave."

"Already?" Garrett said before I could.

"Uh..." Kennedy looked at Garrett with confusion while Garrett just became red. "Yea, Mom called. She and Dad are home, and they are requesting our presence."

I squirmed. Meeting my new parents wasn't necessarily something I was comfortable about. I didn't know anything about these people.

Were they strict? Were they kind? Did they care at all?

I sat in my thoughts while Kennedy drove back to the house. The moon just rose above the trees while the breeze picked up.

"What if they don't like me?" I said to Kenny in a voice that even I could barely hear. Like I told him the moment we met, I was never what anyone expected me to be. Whether that be a good thing or a bad, I could never be sure.

"Of course, they'll like you." Kennedy furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would you even ask that?"

This was another reason why I liked Kennedy. He always cares. He's acted more like a brother to me than anyone could, and it hasn't even been a day since he'd become one in the first place.

"Why wouldn't I?" I retalliated. "Like what if they think I'm rude when I don't mean to be? What if something comes out the wrong way?"

"Everybody missunderstands some time in their life. All you need to do is explain."

"But still--"

"Think about it this way. The last time I wondered if someone would like me, that was the day I'd found my new best friend." He smiled to himself. "Well, we're not best friends just yet, but being my sister is just as good." Kennedy looked as me with comforting eyes.

I think this is going to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
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Clocks - Versaemerge.