Some Things are Far too Good to Go Ahead and Let Go.

He's Got Those Honest Eyes;

It's raining outside, I can tell from the sound of thw water hitting my window.
"This can't be anything good." I mumble into my pillow as I try to barry myself deeper into my matresse.
"Audrey?" I hear my mother call as she pushes open my bedroom door.
I ignore her, and I pull my pillow over my ears, making her quiet soft voice, muffled sound,
"Audrey!" She yells and yanks my pillow away from my hands.
"Yes?" I ask as I turn to her hovering over me.
"It's time for school." She says and then drops the pillow on my floor before she walks out.
I groan.
I roll out of my bed and pull myself to my feet. I walk over to the conjoining bathrrom, where I step out of my clothes and into the shower.
The hot water runs down my body and wakes me up.
I emerge out of the bathroom and walk over to my closet on the other side of my bedroom.
I pull a pair of orange skinny jeans off the floor and on to my legs. I search through my walk-in closet, in only my bra and pants, looking for a t-shirt.
I flip through the many shirts hanging from hangers and finally decide on a Plain White T's t-shirt before I quickly pull it over my head.
I walk back into my bathroom, exiaming my outfit to see if anythings missing.
My eyes finally shot up to my face, I really stop and stare at it, looking at every detail.
My mother's words began to ring in my head, "Audrey, you would look so much prettier if you put on a little make up. Or how 'bout a skirt every once in awhile."
Her words never fail to piss me off.
What kind of a mother doesn't like her daughter for who she is? I think as I scowl at my reflection in the mirror before retreating back to my room.
I shove my feet into my orange slip-on Vans, pick up my Hurley backpack and walk out of my room.
I desend down the stairs, quickly. I grab my keys off the dinning room tabel, where I threw them yesterday before hurrying out of the house and into my car.
I hop into the old beat up car, and pull out of the driveway. The soft pur of ol'e Ruth and Morrisey's voice coming out of the speakers on the side of the car singing over the dripping of the rain.
The ringing of my phone interupted the song William, It Was Really Nothing
I stop my car at the red light and fish the comminication device out of my pocket.
"Hello?" I say into the phone.
"Hey, It's me. Mae." I hear my best friends voice come from the other side.
"Oh, Hey." I say, pushing my foot down on the gas pedal the second the light turned green. "Are we still meeting at Starbucks?"
"Yeah, but I wanted to warn you; My neighbor's car broke down so my mom offered me to give him a ride to school." She says.
"The afro kid?" I ask, remembering the junior that I saw on occasion when I went to Mae's house.
"Yeah, Adam Siska."
"That's cool with me." I say with a shrug I know she can't see. "I'll be there in a few"
"Ditto on that." Mae says and I laugh at her new catch phrase.
I hang up the and slide it back into my pocket before catching sight of the coffee shop.
I park my car in the closest avilible spot by Mae's car before jumping out, walking briskly through the rain and into Mae's job, Starbucks.
"Hey Audrey!" Nate, Mae's co-worker say the moment I step through the doors, grabbing everyone's attention in the coffee house.
"Hey Nate" I say as I walk over to the counter.
I rattle off my usual order and handing him the money I always pay before dropping a quarter into the tip jar.
"Thanks." He says sarcasticly.
I laugh and walk over to where Mae sat in the corner of the shop and sit next to her.
"Adam, this is Audrey. Audrey this is Adam." Mae says interducing the two of us.
"Hi," I mumble.
"Hey" He says and then moved in closer. "Please don't call me Adam, Mae and my mother are the only people that do."
I laugh.
"That's because it's you name. I don't do stupid nicknames." Mae says, defending herself.
I laugh, again. "So what is your nickname?" I say after I catch my breath.
"Well there's quite a few," Adam says and I see Mae roll her eyes out of the corner of my eyes. "Siska, Sisky, Sisky Bizness, etcetra." He answered.
"Audrey!" Nate calls.
"Be right back." I say and walk back to the counter to retrive my drink.
I walk back over to Mae and Adam.
"-under the bleachers" I only hear the end of Adam's sentence.
"I don't want to know." I say as I sit infront of Adam, sipping my coffee.
"What?" Adam askes.
"What you just said." I say pointing at him.
"Yeah, I wish I didn't." Mae says.
We sit there in a moment a silence and all I can hear is the murmer around us and the ticking of the clock that hung above Nate's head.
"We should go." I say and Adam pulls out his phone.
"Yeah, your right." He says and stands up.
We leave the store and say our goodbyes light heartedly knowing we will see eachother in five minutes.
I climbed into my car and sat in the drivers seat, watching Mae back out of her parking spot.
I watched the rain drops slide againist the my front window, making it hard to see anything from the outside world but I followed Mae none the less.
I pulled into the parking lot of Barrington High.
Barrington High
It had one main building, made out of multi-colored brusies.
Surronding the main building were several, smaller verisons of the maine building.
There was a football field the was circled by a rubber track, off to the left side of the main building beside that the student parking lot sat, where as the teacher's parking lot were by the tennis courts on the right side of the school.
I parked in the first avilible spot I could find and sprinted from the car.
I ran over to where Mae stood under a tree near the front of the school.
"Adam ditch you?" I asked after I caught my breath from the run.
"Yeah, he ran into one of his friends so..." She shugged it off.
"Whatever." I say and she's quick to agree.
We began to walk to the school, trying to get out of the damn rain.
"Audrey!" I hear a high pitched, annoying voice call.
Audrey Gellar comes in between Mae and me and our way to the door.
I groaned at her.
"Fuck off and get a life." I say and pull Mae away from whatever insult Emily was about to yell at us.
"Why can't she leave us alone?" Mae says when we make it over to our lockers.
"Because she's dating Jason Santiago. Oh, and she's a bitch."
Mae laughed. "Good point"
The bell rang, interupting out conversation.
"Ready for History?" Mae askes and grabs books and her homewrok for our next class.
I groan. "Why not?" I say and grab the same materials as Mae did.
We giggled and walked down the hallway and into room 103.
I took my seat in the back of the classroom next to another outcast like me and Mae while she sat in the front row next to one of Jason Santiago's menions.
The boy next to me looker over at me.
His eyes gazed down my body before meeting my eyes.
His chocolaty brown eyes stayed with mine, until the teacher strode into the classroom and began her class.
"Today we are starting our Revloutionary War project. Half of you will draw names from the hat" She said, holding a top hat. "And the name on the paper is your partner for this assinment."
This assinment. The partner project.
I was not fond of the project, I don't generally like working with people. I usally ignore the other person and do all the work Or I ignore the person and let them do all the work.
"Audrey?" The teacher askes, looking down at me.
She shoved the hat in my face and I stuck my hand in it.
The paper I pulled out, said two words. William Beckett
♠ ♠ ♠
In case you hadn't noticed this story takes place in 2004, when they're seniors in highschool.
So no Chislett