Are You Lying When You Say You Don't Sin?


"Gabanti!" a voice echoed through the house. I wrapped a towel around my waist and searched the house. Who could it be? Gabe was touring...

I looked in the kitchen, the dining room, the hall closet even. The last place was the living room. As I stepped onto the soft carpet, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Are you my new play toy?" the man asked as he trailed kisses down my neck. He ran his hands over my chest but still keeping our bodies together.

"W-who a-re y-you?" I finally managed to splutter out. The arms around me loosened and then spun me around.


"Travis?" I was face-to-face with none other than Travis McCoy. "What are you doing here? Gabe is on tour."

"I didn't know. I wanted to surprise him. We haven't seen each other since I went on tour. Figuring he was so sexually starved while I was gone, I thought to drop by."

"Is that supposed to be some jab at our sex life, because I'm not in the mood for bad humor."

"Our? You and who?"

"Gabe, of course." As soon as I said that, Travis' face went through many different emotions. The first being confusion, then anger, then realization, then anger again, and finally disgust.

"How long?"


"How long has this been going on behind my back?" he questioned in an intimidating tone.

"I know you're our friend and everything, but I don't think you need to take it that seriously. I thought it was obvious that Gabe and I are together, in any case. He didn't tell you?"

Travis looked confused as he countered with a question of his own, "You and Gabe? I don't know what world you're in, but Gabe and I are together."

"What?!" I said incredulously. I was my turn to make faces.

Eventually, Travis and I finally realized what had happened. We looked at each other with shocked, sullen faces. His voice barely above a whisper, Travis spoke to me. "Is this as unbelievable to you as it is to me?"

"Not even close. How long were you together?"

"3 and a half. You?"

"Six and 2 months."

"I'm so sorry. I never would have even-"

"I know. Neither would I. I always saw him as the guy who lied and slept around. I never thought about it long enough to wonder if he'd actually do it."

"Guess it's a little late for that," Travis told me with dull tone. He looked so washed away. I think I liked the angry Travis more.

"Do you want some coffee or something?"

"You got Patron?"

I smiled a sad smile. Gabe always bought it but he never drank it. Now I knew why. "Always. Take a seat and I'll go put some clothes on."

I got dressed and came back into the kitchen. I grabbed two mugs and set them on the marble island. "Did he ever show you where he hid all of his special things?"

"When the sun is rising on the the day of a full moon and your at the centered point between the thoughts. Yeah. He said if he ever needed anything and he couldn't get it himself he'd-"

"Send you off like Harry Potter to retrieve his Horcrux and silver necklace. He was always such a dumb ass."

"What about the pressure sensors in his ass? That was pretty hilarious."

"I almost bought that one. But then I remembered I was talking to Gabe and all became clear." We chuckled together as I got some food together. I heard him sigh behind me. "What are we going to do, Bilvy?"

I set the spatula down and looked at him. "I don't know, Travie. We'll figure it out."


"So, you've never been on top?"

"Nope. Gabe liked being in control. I liked that I didn't really have to work but I still had to try. It's relaxing. As getting butt fucked can be, of course."

"I'd let you top," said Travis randomly from beneath me. We were out on the terrace,snugglinghugging to keep warm on the chaise. I looked up at him staring into the sky. I stared. And I stared. And then he finally said something. "Stop."

"Why? Is it bothering you?"

"It's distracting me."

"From what?"

"Staying focused."


"Not doing something I really shouldn't even be thinking about."

"What's that?"

"Damn it, William. Do you really want to know?" He looked at me. It wasn't a mad look. I don't know what it was.

"If you don't want to tell me..." I trailed.

He sighed and sat up, bringing me with him. We sat awkwardly on the suddenly small chaise. I looked at im when I finally got settled. He was looking into my eyes, searching. As he looked closer, I took in his scent. Cigars and lemons. My eyes closed and I breathed in. It was so different. So new. It was pulling me in.

Our lips touched for only a few seconds. "You smell good," I stated in a whisper with my eyes still closed. I licked my lips and leaned in again.

"Stop. We shouldn't be doing this."

"Shut the hell up and kiss me before I fucking rape you."

"Can't rape the willing." I cried out in anger.

I sexed Travis that night.