I'm Telling You I'm NOT Gay!

I wish I just didn’t pretend I was gay

As we arrived in school. We were now walking to the school entrance door. I was looking for this “hottie.” There was no one waiting on the front door but a geek, a loser, a girl, a teacher, and another geek and another loser, and Damien.

Wait! Damien! What’s Damien doing here?

As we neared the doors Katie just suddenly shouted.

“Damien!” She said as she let go of my arm which she had her grasp that was gentle.

When her hand left my arm, I suddenly felt this feeling in my chest It hurt as if I was just stabbed on my chest. As I saw her running to Damien. She ran to him and as she reached him she putts her arms around his neck, pulling him to her lips and as their lips met my knees got weak. I felt like a little girl who lost her dolly and couldn’t find it.

I walked alone to the doors of the school. As I reached the doors Katie and Damien were on their way to their lockers. I never knew Katie liked Damien. How did this happen?

The whole day Katie busy cuddling in class with Damien. I didn’t even notice Damien had all his classes with me and Katie. God! They were all sweet and shit!

It was now dismissal. I was waiting for Katie to go home with me. She hasn’t come yet. I waited and waited.

1 hour and 30 minutes later . . . .

I was now sitting in front of the school. Just looking around. I hadn’t wait for someone this long. I forgot to turn my phone on. So I took my phone out and turned at on. Suddenly my phone beeped.

It was a text message from Katie.


Where are you? I’m waiting at the front doors. Hurry up! Because Damien wants to go already. Hurry up or we’ll be leaving you.

What the hell!?! I’m right here! I scrolled it down.

It was sent one hour and forty minutes ago! Damn it! So I waited for nothing! She left me?!?

I sighed on my way home I’ve been kicking things. Like rocks, mail boxes, trees and some dirt and sand.

How could I be so stupid! Leaving my phone off! Ugh! I thought as I went by Katie’s house. I heard giggling from her window.

I ignored it and went straight to my room. Slamming the door. Signaling my mom that I was upset and I wasn’t going to eat dinner.

Next day . . . .

I woke up with my phone ringing. I took it from my nightstand. I flipped it open and put it against my ear.

“Hello?” I asked really sleepy, my voice cracking a bit.

“Jamie! Wakey! wakey! Time to get up! I’m sorry I’m not there to wake you and go to school together. I’m with Damien- Damien stop! It’s tickling me!” She said very playfully trough the phone. I groaned in silence.

Even on the phone! God damn it! I thought as I cleared my throat.

“I’m speaking to Jamie! Wait! Okay?” She said through the phone talking to Damien.

“Okay okay. “ I heard Damien speak from the background.

“It’s alright Katie. Thanks for waking me up.” I said as I hang up.

I decided that I didn’t want to go to school today. I felt really sick, not sick sick but sick of seeing Katie and Damien together. I wish it was me and Katie cuddling in class, not
Damien and her.

My mom suddenly knocked on my door. She opened it.

“Hey sweetie. You going to school today?” She asked.

“Can I stay home today mom? I really don’t feel okay.” I said a bit hurt, I knew she could sense it.

“Okay honey. I’ll just call the school and tell them that you’re not going to school today.” She said as she kissed my forehead and walked out my room.

I laid back down and sighed heavily.

I wish I just didn’t pretend I was gay.”
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Sorry took me long to update.