I'm Telling You I'm NOT Gay!

I almost got caught!

As the day ended me and Katie hurried out the classroom. We were both excited watching videos at her home, since her parents weren’t home tonight. We both planned it at chemistry class, we both got bored, and so we just made this plan.

I just shoved everything inside my locker; I didn’t care about fixing it today. I wanted to spend sometime with Katie. I heard her shove her things too.

I giggled about how excited we were.

“Let’s go!” She took my arm and pulled me all the way out of school.

“Katie, you know I won’t get lost. I know the roads here. I won’t be a lost puppy.” I said with a grin as she let go of my arm.

“Sorry, I was just so excited about watching movies with you.” She said as we continued walking to her house.

“Don’t worry, your not the only one.” I said with a grin.

10 minutes later …

We arrive at her house. She unlocked the door and we both just went straight up. When we arrived at her room, we just dropped our bags on the floor, kicked our shoes off and crash on to her bed.

“This is home.” I said.

“I think I found home when I found you Jamie. I’ve never felt so comfortable in my own home.” She said with a gentle smile.

I smiled back.

In that moment we were both quiet just looking at each other in the eyes. I wanted to kiss her. It was hard. I immediately stood up from bed as I was about to lean forward to kiss her.

“It’s hot in here!” I said as I fanned myself with my hand.

“Y-yeah. I thought it was only me.” She said as she stood up from her bed and walk to a shelf full of DVD’s and Blu-ray’s.

“So, what do you want to watch?” She asked me as she scanned the shelf.

“I don’t know. Anything sad? Drama? Funny?” I said.

“Drama? and funny?” She kept scanning the shelves.

“Yeah, I feel like crying and laughing at the same time.” I said.

“You’re weird.” Katie stated.

“You just notice?” I said teasing her.

“Whatever! I know!” She said as she took a Blu-ray out of the self.

I read the title, it was “marly and me.”

It is funny and drama at the same time. I thought.

“You game for this?” She said as she sat infront of the flat screen.

“Duh! I am!” I said as I sat next to her.

Katie put the Blu-ray on and played it.

We were now at the part when Marly gets sick. I turn my head only to see a crying Katie. I smiled.

“Why are you crying?” I questioned her.

“It’s just so sad, I can’t take it when dogs die. I hate it!” She said her voice was cracking a bit.

I giggled, I thought it was cute.

“What’s so funny?” She asked as she wiped the tears out of her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater.

“I don’t know, you look so cute when you cry. Just like a little girl.” I teased her.

“I thought you're gay! You should be crying right now!” She said as she looked at me very strangely.

Shit! I forgot! Gay people are very sensitive! I thought as I panicked in my head.

She raised an eyebrow.

“Well . . .” She said letting me explain.

“It’s just that I don’t feel the movie.” I said trying my best to not get caught.

“What do you mean you don’t feel the movie! I watched this with my dad and he cried!” She said in disbelief.

“Your dad cried!” I said.

“He did! He was crying more than me!” She said.

Suddenly my mom called out to me.

“Jamie! It’s dinner time! You can bring Katie with you if you want.” My mom said.

“Okay! We’ll be right down!” I shouted so she could hear me.

We both heard my mom’s footsteps going back in our house so I stood up and pulled her up from the floor.

“Well, let’s eat.” I said as I headed for the door.

“Jamie, I won’t eat today, anyways my mom practically left me dinner in the fridge, I’ll just eat that when I get hungry.” She said as she stayed behind.

“Are you sure?” I said worried.

“Yeah.” She smiled as I went down the stairs and out of her house.

I waved goodbye as I saw her in the window, she waved goodbye back.

“See you in school!” She shouted.

“Yeah! See you!” I said as I entered my house.

As I entered the house I saw my mom waiting for me at the dinner table.

“Where’s Katie?” My mom asked.

“She said she wasn’t hungry, so she’s not joining us.” I said as I sat down on the chair and said grace.

After dinner time, I just crashed onto my bed and fell asleep.