Status: My Writes Block on this story is so huge it is unimaginable.

Black and White Shouldn't Cross Over

Colden Averett was as dark as they come. He had chocolate eyes, raven black hair all perfectly placed on his deeply tanned face. He thought that Satan was God and God was the devil. He manipulated those around him, leaving them confused and disorientated afterwards. He was dark alright, and was about to find the key to the black.

Alina Cole was the complete opposite of Colden. She had piercing icy blue eyes and thick platinum blonde hair, positioned on her porcelain face. She was the one they all went for, the one they all wanted to change; only she didn’t know it.

What will happen when black and white collide?
  1. Target: Found and Locked
  2. Sunday, bloody Sunday
  3. Struggle and Sacrifice
  4. I don't care
    Still have writers block so I hope this isnt too bad. I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH...well, lack of
  5. ***