Status: My Writes Block on this story is so huge it is unimaginable.

Black and White Shouldn't Cross Over



Well this was great, just great.
Arethusa was back. And she was seeking her revenge.
Wonderful; that just brightens my day that does.
No one could hate like Arethusa could; she was quite literally death. She looked more beautiful than any other being in the entire universe, but that was just her trap. Underneath she was made of rotting insides, filled with toxic blood that was being pumped around by her poisonous heart.
And who was that lucky person that was at the top of her hate list?
Hmmm...let me see. Oh, that’s right!
I’m the lucky person!
Aren’t you just jumping for joy?!
“WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER YOU STUPID GIRL?!’ I started to screech at the cowering figure in front of me. If Arethusa was back then I didn’t stand much of a chance in my life...which, I quite enjoyed living. As if what I thought mattered to Arethusa.
No one’s thoughts mattered to Arethusa anymore.

___(2 years previously)____

“What are we doing today?” I smiled as I entered the blood red room of Arethusa.
“Awh, Coley, I can’t tell you that!” she trawled, her voice babyish but soooo her.
“Tell me, please?” I asked, pressing my lips against her neck
She didn’t move for a second, allowing my lips to trail up and down her neck
“I need you to do something for me” she said solemnly
“Anything” I said
“Kill your parents” she said, enunciating each word so clearly that she knew that I wouldn’t be able to mistake what she had said to be something else.
I looked at her deadly black eyes, the hardly noticeable pupils stared hardly back at me, daring me to reject.
I nodded my head once and walked out of the permanently boiling room.
Murder was just another daily occurrence in my life.


Nothing interesting has ever happened to me before. Nothing extraordinary or surreal. I didn’t expect my life to ever be different from what it had always been.
But, now I knew that something had been selected for me. Something that was extraordinary...surreal.
Something out of this world.

My task is quite simple: kill Colden.
Murder isn’t something that I condone, but after being told about all of the murder he has brought to this world; his life most surely won’t be missed.
Okay; so they never actually said ‘Murder Colden’. What they actually said was ‘Rip out his heart, break it into a thousand tiny, black, shrivelled up pieces’.
I never asked what he had done to them to make them want him to suffer so much pain; I just took one look at their pained expressions and found myself nodding in agreement.
I would destroy Colden Averett.
♠ ♠ ♠
My god it's been a long time since I updated this. Nearly 2 months I think! =O
Sorry it's short =)
Thanks for the new subscriber to this story =D