Sequel: Life on the *** Scene
Status: Thinking about writing a sequel...

My Way Home is Through You

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

Gerard took me out to lunch, more of a quick stop at Starbucks to grab coffee and a cookie, before he herded me back into his car. It seemed a bit awkward, sitting in his car, as he drove seemingly nowhere. I thought we were just going to lunch and were going to meet the guys there. Apparently not. He was driving up streets in a town I had never even thought was in Jersey before. I pulled my knees up so they touched my chest, the chill of the AC blasting at my bare legs. I had no idea what came over me, to want to wear shorts on such a day. Did I look like I was twelve? Because that was so not what I was going for. I was trying to look cute, but also look like the daughter Frank would be proud of. I didn't want to look like some tramp. What if I looked like a tramp? I tore pieces off of my cookie and ate them slowly, concentrating on chewing so I wouldn't fall into a panic attack.

Somewhere along the line, I noticed the car slowing, and eventually we came to a stop. I looked around. It was a street full of rundown buildings. Confusion muddled my mind. I had no idea where we were, or what town we were in anymore. I knew we had to still be in New Jersey, though. Gerard wouldn't take me out of state without telling anyone, would he?

“Um, where are we?”

“That's for me to know, and you to find out.” Gerard grinned at me. He got out of the car, and I quickly followed suit, holding my coffee in both hands to try and stop their shaking. I took a quick pull of the warm liquid to calm my beating heart. I practically spit it out when Gerard pulled a blind fold out of his pocket. This was getting seriously weird.

“What the hell!?”

“Just give your coffee to me and put it on. Trust me.”

About a million thoughts were running through my head, but they kept stopping to remind me that Gerard liked to “kidnap” his fans in a van and “leave them somewhere dangerous.” After about five seconds of mentally fighting it over in my head, I handed Gerard my cup and slipped the blindfold over my eyes.

The next thing I knew, I was being thrown over his shoulder. I gave a sound of protest, but he just shushed me and started walking. It became cooler and I felt him going down stairs. I heard a door open and I was getting closer and closer to a minor panic attack with every step.

“Where are you taking me? This isn't funny anymore!”

Gerard just chuckled and set me down on the floor of the room we just entered. My heart was beating in my throat. This was getting scary. It wasn't weird anymore. It was down right scary. How well did I know Gerard anyway? All I knew about him came from interviews, and anyone could lie in one of those. This whole thing might have been some trick to get me alone in a cold dark room where I'd never be found. I closed my eyes under the blindfold, holding back the scared tears that were coming to my eyes. I felt the tight cloth being lifted from my eyes and shut my lids tighter.

“You can open your eyes,” I heard him whisper, the slightest bit of humor in his voice. I slowly obliged, still scared almost out of my mind. The scene that greeted my eyes made me resent ever not trusting Gerard. My breath stopped as I came face to face with Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, Mikey Way, and Frank Iero.

I looked at Gerard, then I looked around. Random guitars, basses, and a set of drums were strewn around the room. A few couches sat against the wall, adding a bit of comfort to the room along with the small rugs. Frank was the first one to speak, snapping me out of my state of wonder at their practice space.

“Gee, you can't be cheating on Lyn-Z yet! You just had a baby!”

Gerard laughed lightly, while I stared in shock. He thought I was having an AFAIR. With GERARD?

“Besides, she can't be more than thirteen!”

“Fifteen.” I said quietly. I wanted Frank to see me. I want him to see who I was, instead of something he could joke around with Gerard about.

Ray and Bob were looking at me closely, occasionally stealing glances at Frank. I saw Ray's mouth moving. He was coming to conclusions faster than I was. Bob was still staring intently.

“Hey, isn't that the girl from the hospital?” Mikey's comment made me flinch. I didn't like thinking about that day unless I was remembering the first time I met Gerard and Frank. I had completely forgotten that Mikey had been there, seen what I had done to myself.

“Yeah, this is Molly.” Gerard put a hand on my head. “Doesn't she remind you guys of anyone?”

Ray nodded slowly, his curly hair bobbing up and down. Bob was still staring at my face intently. Mikey just gave Gerard a blank look, along with Frank.

“She looks insanely like Frank,” Ray said, slightly amazed, as if I had somehow done this to myself. Somehow done my make up in a specific way, when in all actuality I was only wearing a bit of eyeliner and mascara. Bob nodded, recognition hitting his eyes as he realized what Ray had been thinking earlier.

I felt like my heart was going to break free of my ribs and fly out of my chest.

“So what if she looks like Frank?” Mikey asked, “A lot of people look like Frank.”

“No, but she looks almost EXACTLY like him!” Bob said, turning towards Frank. “If she were a boy she could be your clone.”

I was starting to feel self conscious. A month or so ago I would've given everything to have Frank look at me. Now I wished he would look away. He shrugged. “So, the girl looks like me. Doesn't really explain why you brought her to practice, Gerard.”

“Remember when I asked you that really awkward question a few weeks ago?”


“When exactly did the chick give birth?”

This seemed to be news to Ray, Bob, and Mikey, who all almost snapped their necks while turning to look at Frank.

“Why does it matter?”


“I don't want to talk about this with the kid here.”

“Frank, when did she have Kayla?”

My breath caught, and I'm pretty sure everyone else's did as well. I had been waiting weeks for this moment. I almost couldn't believe it was here.

“August twenty-eighth, 1994.”

Gerard looked at me, his eyes expectant, questioning. My eyes were watering as I nodded.

“I don't see why this matters.”

Frank's usual smile was gone. His face was blank, eyes blazing out of what seemed to be minor anger.

“It matters because Kayla's not dead,” I said softly. Frank tore his gaze from Gerard and stared at me. His eyes were filled with emotion I couldn't comprehend. Longing, searching, confusion, anger. Then the anger flared, and I immediately grabbed onto Gerard's shirt out of fear.

“Ha, ha. Very funny, Gerard, making a joke out of the one thing I never tell anyone. What is she, an actress? How old are you really, kid?”


“That's just sick Gerard. You actually got someone who would be her age?”

Gerard looked at Frank, shock on his face. “Why do you think I would ever joke about something like this? She's been looking for her real parents for months! You've been thinking Kayla's dead for fifteen YEARS! Maybe, just maybe, she LIED to you when she said the kid was dead?”

“She didn't lie! The nurses even confirmed that Kayla was dead!”

“Since WHEN can nurses not lie??”

I let go of Gerard's shirt and took a few steps back just in time. Frank brought his fist back and punched Gerard in the face. I couldn't believe what was happening. They were best friends! What was Frank doing?

“You've stepped over the line with this, Gerard. I can't be friends with you or in this band when you think this sort of thing would be funny. I quit.”

He stormed out of the practice room without another word. Mikey helped Gerard, who was swearing darkly, to his feet and tried to dust him off. Gerard was hurt, blood gushing from his nose, and it had been my fault. Frank had left and it was my fault because I wanted to hope that he was my biological father. People around the world would learn about this and hate me.

I felt tears start to stream down my cheeks. This had all been a massively bad idea. I shouldn't have ever thought it up in the first place. I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but couldn't. Everyone else was in socked silence. After a moment or two I found my voice.

“What have I done?”
♠ ♠ ♠

I'll write a new chapter just as soon as I know how to connect everything in my head, get that from image to words, then put those words down on paper.

I'll work as fast as I can.