The Apocolypse

The Invasion

"Get down, do you want to get yourself killed?" a voice shouted angerly from behind me.

"No sir, sorry sir," I shouted back at him, trying to be heard over the noise. A man, I didn't know, got up and scouted his way around.

"Ok I want you to go ar-," there was a big explosion and everything went dark.

I sat up,covered in cold sweat, scared nearly to death. This is the third time this week that I have had the exact same dream, it was as if someone was tring to warn me about what's going to happen.Not being able to go back to sleep, I decided to eat breakfeast. I got dressed sleepily and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I had a bowl of soggy cornflakes, some burnt toast and a glass of milk. A normal day for a retired soilder. Knowing I had nothing to do I stumbled over to the couch and turned on the tv, a news reporter was saying there was a meteor shower heading towards manhattan and it will hit by tomorrow, I wasn't that worried about it so i got up and decided to go to the bar. After what happened to my friend in the war I"ve been drinking very heavily. It was a 20 minute walk to the bar at max. When i got there i ordered a cold beer and looked up at the tiny tv in the corner, the same newscast was on warning everyone about the meteor shower, as i said I'm not to worried. After I basically drank the bar clean I stumbled out the door and walked home, collapsing several times.
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I'll add more later on I still need to write more