*** in the Dark

Halloween Night

Ten years later the last thing Justin Lee wanted to do was take his little sister to the movies on Halloween night. Having spent fifteen years, his whole life, taking care of Aisling, Justin really wanted to spend this one night relaxing and having fun with his friends. He didn’t know why Aisling couldn’t go trick or treating like the other kids. All he knew was that his parents were going out to dinner and since he himself had already made plans to go see a movie with his friends, there was no other option but for him to take Aisling along.

As the two entered the movie theater, the many conversations happening inside, erupted in their ears. There was almost no one at the counter and everyone appeared to be leaving. Take Aisling with you, he asked in a silent plea. He looked down at his little sister; she looked like an eight-year-old, girl version of him. Black hair, green eyes, and a long, straight nose. Right down to the dimples.

“Look,” Aisling squealed, “it’s Topaz.”

Looking back up, Justin saw her standing by the stairs. She looked so beautiful, her blue eyes and wavy blonde hair were enough to make him go weak at the knees. Of course he wasn’t the only one in love with her. When Topaz had come over to work on a school project, Aisling had become completely obsessed. Lately she just wouldn’t stop talking about her. You’d think that after weeks of non-stop Topaz talk, Justin would find it hard to even look at her face, but no, he had become even more infatuated than before.

“Hey, guys! Over here,” she called to them.

Grabbing his brother’s hand, Aisling walked over to the stairs.

“Hi Topaz,” Justin said, blushing slightly.

As Aisling looked at the chocolates available, Topaz said, “Thanks for inviting me tonight, J. Lee.”

“Oh, it’s no problem. I didn’t really organize it anyway,” Justin said, blushing even redder, “The others aren’t here yet?”

“Nope, just me,” Topaz sighed, “I’ve been waiting here for almost twenty minutes.”

“Oh, sorry, I would’ve come earlier.”

“No, don’t worry about it, my dad dropped me off early.”

By now the theater was almost empty and Justin could just see the three figures of whom they were awaiting.

“There they are,” he pointed.

“About time,” Topaz called.

“There he is,” one of the approaching figures called, “my man, Justin.”

“Hey, Jordan,” Justin laughed. The two boys were like brothers, having known each other since kindergarten. With his light brown hair, spiked up with gel and hazel eye colour, Jordan was the most popular boy in school. Or maybe it was the fact that he was dating Rickie that made him so cool. With her shiny black hair and perfect complexion, there was no denying that she was the prettiest girl in school, after from Topaz of course.

As the couple approached, the third figure was revealed behind them.
“Orlando! I didn’t think you’d make it buddy.”

“Oh, you now me,” Orlando shrugged, “I’m always up for a party. Plus my parents were threatening to make me go trick-or-treating with them,” he shuddered. Orlando had that surfer look about him, blond hair, tanned skin, muscular body. But in truth, he had never stepped foot on a surfboard before, he was always to busy with his head stuck in a book. Being the smartest kid in school took a lot of work.

“Can we please go see the movie now,” Justin had failed to see Aisling come back to the group and jumped when she tapped him on the shoulder.

“Oh yeah, it’s gonna be on in like ten minutes,” Justin said.

“Awesome, lets get popcorn,” Rickie walked over to the confectionery and ordered three large popcorn and six drinks.