*** in the Dark

The First Cut.

They were all pretty shaken up by Jordan’s story and it didn’t help that the movie was all about supernatural beings. It had been about fifteen minutes since the lights first dimmed when Aisling asked Justin to take her to the toilet.

“I told you to go before we left,” he whispered.

“I know, but I didn’t need to go then.”

He sighed. “Well I’m not coming in with you.” Like he was going into a girl’s toilet.


Topaz leant over the armrest separating her from Justin and said, “I’ll take her.”

“You don’t mind?” Justin asked.

“Nah, this movie isn’t really to my liking anyway. Come on Aisling.”
Aisling jumped up and followed Topaz around the back of the chairs.

Turning his attention back to the movie, Justin saw the two main characters—two ten-year-olds—hiding in the closet. He chuckled, I’d be doing the exact same thing, he thought.
He grabbed a handful of popcorn and started shoveling it into his mouth.

“Justin,” he jumped at the sound of his own name being called, and dropped his popcorn.

“We’ve got a slight problem,” Topaz said.

“Tell me she didn’t pee her pants,” Justin sighed and heard Rickie and Jordan laugh, two seats left of him.

“Hey,” he heard Aisling call from around the corner.

“No, it’s not that,” Topaz said, she sounded worried, ”the door’s locked, Justin.”

“What?” he jumped up and Orlando, Rickie and Jordan looked around to see what all the commotion was about. “Locked? How? Why?”

“We don’t know, we’ve tried everything and everything doesn’t work.”

“Yeah,” Aisling whined, “and I still really need to go to the toilet.”

“It’s probably just stuck,” Jordan said, standing up and having a stretch, “it just needs a little
manly push.”

Rickie rolled her eyes and followed Jordan around the corner to where Aisling was still standing.

Justin looked around the cinema; the movie was still playing so the only light was coming from the screen. He squinted, trying to find another exit incase Jordan couldn’t open the main one. Right at the very front of the cinema, next to the screen there was a little broken sign.

“No go,” Rickie called from around the corner, “we’re going to have to find another way out.”

“Or you could just go here,” Jordan said.

“Hmph,” Justin heard a noise like flesh against flesh before a high-pitched squeak determined that Aisling had hit Jordan.

“What about over there? It looks like a fire escape.” Justin asked pointing.

“Where?” Topaz looked in the direction he was pointing, “Oh, yeah it might be.”

“Come on Aisling,” she said, “we might be able to get out that way.”

The two began making there way down the stairs when a strange buzzing noise erupted from the ten speakers lining the left and right walls.

“Argh,” Orlando yelled, “What was that?”

“It sounded like a—” but Justin was cut off as the noise sounded again and the wide screen at the front of the cinema went all blurry. The sound kept coming, on and off, on and off, until finally the screen went black and the six friends were left in darkness.