*** in the Dark

Keep on Fighting.

Battered and soaked in blood, the two stood up, the loss of their friends was enough to make them forget the pain of their stab wounds. They had to keep moving; stopping wouldn’t help. Their only chance was to follow the sound coming from in front of them, Jordan was still fighting, and that was enough to make them keep fighting too.

“I see a light ahead,” Topaz whispered. Justin could see it to; it was only faint. But any sight of light was a good sight. Everything felt like a dream as they made their way down the hallway.
As they got closer, they could see that the light was coming from a room. The door was wide open and there were drops of blood all over the floor. They staggered their way towards the door and entered the room.

Their screams came at exactly the same time, in exactly the same high pitch. It was too late, they had found Rickie and there was nothing they could do anymore. Justin could hear Topaz sobbing next to him. His own breath came in shallow gasps. There was a creak from behind them and as Justin span around he had just enough time to see the door swing shut and lock.
To give up now would be so easy, just sit there and wait for death. If only Justin could. If there was still any chance that Aisling was alive, Justin would go to any means to save her, and he wouldn’t ever stop.

“Let us out,” he tried to yell, but no sound came out, he had screamed to many times today.
A scream came form outside the door. Someone was groaning, sobbing, screaming for help, but Justin knew, no help would come.

“Please,” the voice begged, Justin realized then that the person begging was none other than Jordan. He wanted to yell out, tell Jordan that he was there, but again no sound came out. Death was coming and it was coming quickly.

For ten minutes Justin had to sit and listen to his friend dying, ten minutes of complete agony and pain. It felt like he was dying too, he wished he were dying instead.