The Complicated Life of the Elite

Boy Fiasco

"CHRIS!!!!" Jessica yelled as her brother ruffled her hair. I laughed Jessica hated when people messed with her hair she even slapped me once for giving her a bad hair cut in the 8th grade, when I had only trimmed off half a centimeter from her bangs. Jessica glarred at me and gave me the puppy dog eyes. Jessica was the master at puppy dog eyes, I was imune most of the time but when it came to Jessica her puppy dog eye's made you feel like you slaughtered her family or ran over her dog which for her was pretty much the same thing. I instantly stopped laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry Jess" I said feeling horrible then I turned to Chris "You big meany, you know how much she hates that."

Chris sighed and got down on his knees and started begging Jessica for forgivness.

"OMG Jess please forgive me I didn't mean it honest!!" He said while he fake cried and let me tell ya' he was better at making you feel bad then Jessica was, he actually cried, like real tears!! Real!

I looked at them both with tears in my eyes but not because they made me sad, but because I laughed so hard at Chris' actions. "Your both idiot's you know that?" I said starting to walk away.

"Lex!!" They yelled. But I just walked faster. I could here their foot steps behind me but they didn't run because of school rules, other than the awesome food and drink choices and the wonderful english department, this school sucked bad.

"Lexi!!" I heared again I sighed and looked back when some one ran right into me.

"Ow" I said as my but colided with the floor.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you" Someone said in a hot british accent, they held out their hand and helped me up. "Sorry about that love"

I looked up and smiled it was the guy that Jessica had "Scouted" for me I was just about to imagine him naked when I realized I was staring "Uh, it's n-no p-problem, honest." I stuttered, god I must sound like an idiot.

He chuckled and looked at a peice of paper that was in his hand. "You wouldn;t happen to kn-" he didn't get to finish his sentance because in the middle of it, Chris and Jess caught up to me.

"Oh my god, sweetie are you okay do you need to go to the nurses office or something? Is anything broken?" Jessica asked as she examined my limbs.

I giggled as she poked my stomach "I'm fine, mom" I said calling her mom just to irritate her she knew how my mom was and she hated when I called her mom because she found it greatly insulting.

She scowled as I kept laughing, I turned back to the guy and put out my hand "I'm Alexia Talon by the way"

He smiled that heart breaking smile and shook my hand and as cheesy as it sounds I totally felt sparks "Carver, Carver Hanes" then he continued with his question "Um I was hoping to know if you knew where room uh..." he glanced down at the paper again "21 was" he said.

I knodded "oh yeah the art room, actually it's right down that hall it's the 8th door to you left." I said pointing down the hall.

He nodded "Thanks Love." he said.

I smiled "Uh huh." I stared at him as he made his way down the hall, as soon as he turned into the classroom Jessica turned me to look at her.

"Lex if you can here me nod once so I know your not dead." she said obviously starting to get a little worried.

"He called me love" I mused allowed. Shit I so wasn't going to hear the end of this.