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I'd Come For You



“Look who I have, Kisame,” said Itachi.

“Let me go!” she yelled.

“Oooh, are we going to kill her?”

“We’ll have to ask Pein.”

Pein came walking in. “No, Kisame.”

Kaori had stopped struggling and was now staring at Pein.

“Where are you?” Shihari, snarled, pissed.

“Where am I?” she suddenly blurted.

“In the woods, a couple of miles south from the Leaf Village.”

She repeated what he said in her head.

Shihari was suddenly looking through her eyes.

“Well, where is she?”

“Is Kaori here?”

Shihari looked up, breaking contact to stare at Neji. “Did you or did you not break up with Kaori?”

“No, I would never hurt Kaori. Why?”

“She’s been kidnapped.”

Gaara wanted to kill Neji right then and there. She’s mine, you bastard! Mine, mine, mine!

“What? By who?!”

“Oh, stop acting like you love her!” Gaara snapped.

Shihari smirked. “It’s about time someone said that.”

Kaori suddenly appeared in the air. She fell on Gaara.

“Kaori! You’re back!” Neji ran for her.

Kaori stood up off of Gaara. “Sorry,” she said, blushing.

“Have you ever made her blush, Neji?” asked Shihari, grinning.

“Well, no, but--”

“You’ve never loved her either,” Shihari assumed.

Neji said nothing, confirming his assumption.

Gaara suddenly kissed Kaori.

Kaori pulled back, a hurt look on her face. “Gaara…”

“Finally!” Shihari yelled, completely oblivious to how Kaori was feeling at the moment.

“I’ve been wanting this forever…but how do I know you aren’t going to betray me again.” Shihari was pissed as she disappeared. She appeared on top of a building.

“It’s fine, Shihari.”

“No! You never meant it!”

“Actually, I did. I was worried, so I told Ino what happened.”

“But you had no idea that Ino would tell.”

He shrugged.

“You’re the only guy, besides Naruto, and Jake, that I could tolerate. Oh, Kankuro and Kiba, too.”

Kaori was heading back when someone said, “There she is!” She turned and saw Deidara, Kisame, Itachi, and Sasori. Shit, shit, shit! She started running as fast as she could.

“Get her!” Itachi yelled and they all started chasing her.

Run! Faster! Faster!

She ended up running past Gaara, Naruto, and Shihari.

“Kaori? Kaori!” yelled Shihari.

She kept on running.

There was an edge of a cliff under her as she stopped ten minutes later. She lost her balance and fell, falling toward the black waters that would soon become her death.

Shihari punched Sasori in the back of his head. “Where is she?!” he yelled.

Gaara was looking frantically around.

Shihari suddenly heard a scream, then a splash that made his blood run cold. She can’t swim! “Kaori!” he yelled, running, wings wrapped around himself.

Everyone stared at him as he jumped into the air and started turning, spiraling, down into the water.

He plunged into the cold water and saw Kaori’s black hair. He reached her and held her bridal style as he spiraled back onto the cliff, where he started running at inhuman speed, though Gaara kept up with him somehow…

Gaara paled as he yelled, “Kaori, breathe, damn you!”

Shihari ran faster and then dropped to his knees, skidding to a stop. He formed a shield around himself and Kaori as he laid her down in front of him. He started pressing on her chest.

Kaori was slowly coming back and then she started coughing up water. Her eyes opened. “Shihari? You…saved me? Why? I thought you--”

“Look, we’ve been together since I got put inside of you. I have never said that I hate you.”


He released the shield around then and Gaara strolled over to them. “How is she?” asked Gaara.

Kaori stood, suddenly angry. “I hate it when people talk as if I’m not here!”

“Oh, I’m sorry Kaori. I didn’t see you were awake,” he said sarcastically.

“What’s your fucking problem?”


Naruto got to Shihari, Gaara, and Kaori and saw Shihari holding Gaara and Kaori away from each other.

“What’s going on?”

“Help me,” grunted Shihari.

Naruto grabbed Kaori, while Shihari pinned Gaara to a tree and said things to him in a low voice.

Gaara shoved Shihari away from him and glowered at Kaori, who looked frightened, forcing Gaara to remember when they were kids. The frightened little girl that he had fell in love with.

“Naruto, let me go.”


“Let me go!” she yelled, shoving him to the ground.


Kaori ran away from all of them. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately. She headed for the one spot that she could seek comfort in; their spot.

Ten minutes later, she was sitting against the tree, remembering.

“You’ve always come her when you were sad.”

She opened her eyes and found Gaara on his knees in front of her.

“You know me too well,” she muttered. “Wait a minute…you’re mad at me…”

“I was…”


“But then I saw your face.”

Kaori thought for a moment, then got pulled into a memory, which faded fast as a kunai shot straight into Gaara’s back.

“Gaara!” she yelled.

“He won’t have you.”

She looked up and glared at Neji with her death glare. He flinched.

Even as the sand clone disappeared, she stood, pissed, oblivious to anything around her except for Neji. Her fangs elongated, nails grew longer and sharper. Black and red wings came out of her back and her eyes changed to black.

Neji took a step back.

“I trusted you!” she screamed, voice demonic. She tackled Neji and just as she was about to rip his throat out, she was pinned to a tree.

She was thrashing and yelling, but then Shihari slapped her.

“Stop it!” he yelled.

“He killed Gaara!”

“What? No he didn’t; he’s right there!”

And he was. He and Neji were giving each other death glares.


“Sand clone.”

“Are you going to calm down?” Shihari growled.

She nodded and as he let her go, she stared at her wings. “Why do I have wings?”

“You’re…mostly demon. Seventy five percent demon, twenty five percent human.”

“But how?”

“The fox. But I overpowered it and you became like me. You only got the ears from it.” He looked down. “Claws…well, those are from me…”

She sighed, then disappeared. She quickly reappeared behind Neji and raked her claws down his back.

He screamed and as he went to grab her, she shot straight into the air.

Shihari followed suit, only he was faster. He tackled her and they went spiraling two hundred feet away from Neji and Gaara.

“You said you’d behave!” he yelled, furious.

“No,” she said coolly. “I said nothing about behaving. I said I’d calm down. And, see, I’m calm!”

“Same difference,” he snapped.

She smiled wickedly and gripped his throat, suddenly realizing why she used to hate summoning him; she was attracted to him.

“What are you…”

She made them appear in an empty house.

♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't feel like editing the I'm not going to (:
