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I'd Come For You

Party and Announcements


The music was blaring, rainbow disco balls were flashing, and people were drinking.

The large surround sound speakers were blaring "Break" by Three Days Grace.

She found Gaara staring at her. "Now?" she mouthed and he nodded.

They both made their way to the stage. Yes, a stage with a microphone.

Kaori signaled the DJ to stop playing the music.

Everyone stared at her grinning face.

"Welcome to my eighteenth birthday party! Hope you're all having a great time?"

A cheer rose through the crowd.

"Shihari, would you like to make your announcement first?"

Shihari appeared on stage, grinning. "I'm going to be a dad!"

Cheers, again, rang out.

"And Gaara and I are together finally."


Kaori shot a look to Gaara, who shrugged.

"Finally!" people yelled, and she laughed.

The DJ started playing the music again.

She and Gaara walked off of the stage.

"So this means what?"

"Those months that I said I hated Gaara, we were together. Those two months were hard for me. All I wanted to say was, 'I love Gaara so much.'"

Shihari grinned and a plump Asteris walked over to them.

"Congrats you two," she said.

Kaori laughed. "You, too. So, is it a boy or a girl?"


Shihari pulled her against him. "We're naming her Suna."

Gaara blinked. "After my hometown?"

"Yeah. It's a pretty name, so why not?"

Kaori gazed around, then pointed. "Shihari."

Shihari sighed, then went after the people who were fighting.

"I think I'll go help him." Asteris smiled sheepishly before running after Shihari, who was yelling at the two guys fighting.

"You have some nerve," Angel snarled. "Taking my boyfriend from me."

"Whatever, Angel. You have some nerve coming up to me at my party."

"That's the thing, you think you're all that when you're so not. You're just a boyfriend stealer."

"I'd Come For You" by Nickelback came on and people started slow dancing.

Gaara pulled her onto the dance floor and put his hands around her waist.

"Just one more moment," Gaara sang. "That's all that's needed.

"Like wounded soldiers, in need of healing.

"Time to be honest, this time I'm pleading.

"Please don't dwell on it, 'cause I didn't mean it." He stopped once he saw her face.

"Keep singing," she whispered.

"But it doesn't matter 'cause I made it up.

"Forgive me now.

"Every day I spend away, my soul's inside out. Gotta be someway that I can make it up to you now, somehow.

"By now you'd know that I'd come for you. No one but you.

"Yes, I'd come for you. But only if you told me to.

"And I'd fight for you. I'd lie, it's true. Give my life for you. You know I'd always come for you.

"I was blindfolded, but now I'm seeing.

"My mind was closing, now I'm believing.

"I finally know just what it means to let someone in. To see the side of me that no one does, or ever will.

"So if you're ever lost and find yourself all alone--"

The song suddenly ended and was changed to "Undead" by Hollywood Undead.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Shihari complaining to the DJ.

"That is their song."

"I see."

Kaori suddenly ran and tackle hugged both Hinata and Sasuke, who somehow kept their balance.

Gaara immediately lost his mood as Angel walked over to him.

"Gaara, you aren't really dating that, are you?"

Gaara's eyes hardened. "She has a name."

"Yeah, it's Whore."

"No, you're the whore," he snarled.

"Excuse me?" she yelled. "That low-life boyfriend stealer is a whore who has slept with hundreds of guys, I'll bet."

"What did you just say?"

Kaori walked back over, a smile on her face; that is, until she saw Gaara's face. "Gaara?"

"How many guys have you slept with, Whore?"

Being honest, she replied with, "One."

"Hundred, right?"

"You know, that boyfriend you had in your hometown? I showed him a picture of you two kissing. That's why he broke up with you."

She snarled. "You bitch."

"Watch it," she snarled. "I can have you thrown out of here in one second if I wanted."

"That's 'cause you're a whore and a coward."

Gaara walked over to her. "Get out."

"Excuse me?"

"I will throw you out myself if I really have to. Now get. Out." Gaara gripped her arm when she wouldn't move and started walking toward the door.

Kaori leaned against the back wall with her eyes closed when suddenly, she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist. "Gaara..."

"Not exactly."

Her eyes opened and that's when Dean kissed her. She shoved him away, but Gaara had already saw.


"We're done." He threw the ring that she gave him and it landed at her feet.

"Gaara!" she cried, but he didn't even acknowledge her.

People were staring at her, but she was completely oblivious to everyone but Gaara.

Ino was in a corner, smirking.

The doors slammed shut and there was an awkward silence.

"Dean, leave," Shihari snarled.

"What? She kissed me."

"Oh, yeah, kissing someone who was already in a corner. Dean, fuck off. No friend of mine will ever treat Kaori or Gaara that way. Now get the fuck out."

He left, glaring at anyone who even dared to acknowledge him. "You're a pussy, Kaori!"

But Kaori was already gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
In my story, it's eighteen to drink and twenty one to smoke. Deal with it (:

Aww, poor Kaori...I can't believe Gaara did that ):
