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I'd Come For You



Jasmine woke up the next morning and sighed. home. New village. What next? New friends? Doubt it…Oh! Speaking of friends! She grabbed her phone and went to dial when she remembered that they were all at school. Dammit! I forgot about school! I don’t have to go to school here since I’m already an excellent ninja. This sucks.

“Bored.” Suddenly, she jumped up and got dressed. Then she ran out of the house, down the street, and into the woods. Ah, I’ve always loved woods. They were my favorite place to be back in the Lightning Village. How I loved that village. Hmmm…great, now I’m even more bored. Since I don’t have my friends.

She looked up and locked gazes with a guy with red hair. Huh. He’s kind of cute…no stop! You only have eyes for one guy.

But you two are broken up.

Shut up self!

She broke the contact and walked past him. Suddenly needing some music, she took out her MP3 player and immediately switched to "I'd Come For You" by Nickelback.

“Who the hell is she?”

That would be Jasmine, Sasuke.”

“Never heard of her.”

“That’s because she’s new, retard.”

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Naruto. “Shut up, idiot.”

“She’s pretty,” said Sakura.


“She is, isn’t she, Sakura?”

“Yes, Naruto, she is.”

Jasmine couldn’t help but feel watched, so she turned around and saw three people staring at her. She smirked. Okay, two can play at this game.

“Why don’t you go talk to her if you think she’s so pretty, idiot.”

“Sasuke, would you be nice for once,” growled the pink haired girl.

Jasmine raised a brow at their bickering.

“Why is she staring at us like that?”

They all snapped to her attention.

She raked her gaze over all three of them. Hmm… “Go away,” she growled. I wonder what they’ll do…

Ha! I like her.

Jasmine’s lips twitched at Sasuke’s thought.

“Why should we?” growled Sakura.

Jasmine’s lips turned into a full fledged grin. Her fangs elongated as she stared at them. Her eyes turned blood red. “Because you’ll get hurt.”

What is she?

“That, Sasuke, is something you will never know.” She disappeared.

“Don’t worry, Chris. I’ll come back to you. I swear it!”

“Don’t even bother, Jasmine.”

“What? Why?”

“Like I said, I don’t do long-term relationships. It’s over. I’m not waiting for you.”


“Bye, Jasmine.”

Jasmine let out a scream of fury.

“What the fuck, Jasmine?” yelled her sister.

“Shut up,” she yelled back.

A powerful force sent her door open and sent her flying into the wall.

“What the fuck,” she yelled.

A guy with brown hair was standing in her doorway, a smirk on his face.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Jasmine, meet Neji. Neji, meet Jasmine, my sister.”

Jasmine narrowed her eyes and stared at Neji. “And why is he here?”

“Do you have a problem with him, bitch?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” growled Jasmine, staring at her sister with hatred.

“Well too bad, sister.”

“Screw you.”

“Nice comeback. Try-”

“Sam.” Neji’s voice was emotionless.

“Yes, Neji?” she asked dreamily.

“Why did you bring me here? There is nothing wrong with your sister. I will not kill her.”

Jasmine’s eyes opened wide and a startled gasp came out of her. “What? You were going to have me killed?!”

“Look, Jasmine, I’m sick of you. You’re a nuisance and I hate you with all of my heart. All the guys want you and not me. You need to die.” Sam went to lunge at Jasmine, but Neji grabbed her wrist and threw her into the wall.

“Why are you protecting me?” she asked Neji.

“You don’t seem like such a nuisance in my eyes.” He did a quick hand sign and said “Byakugan!“ Neji stared at Sam and said, “I can see all of your chakra points. Attack me and I will hit the one at your heart, which will most likely kill you.”

Sam gasped, her eyes wide. “Jasmine, help me.”

“And I would help you, why?”

“Because you’re a very good sister?”

“Nice try, Samantha, but you are no longer my sister.” An evil smile replaced her scowl. “In fact, you are now on my hit list. So stay out of my way.”

She got up and walked past them, bumping shoulders with Sam. Little does she know that I am even more powerful than her because I’m a demon and she isn’t. Hehe, I wonder what she’d do.

“Jasmine you get back here! Don’t you walk away from me! I can kill you in an instant!”

“Don’t kid yourself, Samantha. I could kill you right here and now and you wouldn’t even know it.”

“Want to try it out?”

Neji smirked. There’s something about her. I can’t place it.

“You aren’t even worth the trouble.”

“Jasmine Midnight Yakama! Stop right there!”

“I am no longer part of this family. At least, not with you in it.”

“Where are you going to live?” snapped Sam.

“I’ll find a place.”

Makes me wonder…

“Temari, would you stop it?”

Temari? Oh, God…

“No, Kankuro, I won’t! We have to find Gaara!”

“Would you at least slow down.”

Two people stopped in front of her, staring.

“Who are you?” snapped Kankuro.

Jasmine cocked her head to the side, but said nothing.

“Hey, I’m Temari,” said Temari. “What’s your name?”

Jasmine’s lips twitched, but she forced herself not to smile. “Jasmine. Who’s this Gaara you’re looking for?”

“You’re new around here, aren’t you?” said Kankuro.

“What tipped you off?”

“The fact that you don’t know who Gaara is.”


“He’s got short red hair, green eyes, and a gourd on his back,” said Temari.

“Nope, never seen him.” So that was his name. “I have to go. Bye.” She disappeared.

About twenty minutes later, she was panting and still hadn’t found him. “Where could he be? How hard could it be to find someone in this damned village?”

“Looking for me?”

Jasmine looked behind her and saw him. Gaara…I found him. Err…he found me. “Umm….err…y-yes…”

“What’s the matter?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Nothing,” she snapped, glaring at him. “Two people are looking for you. I think their names are Temari and…Kankuro?”

“Shit. Thanks, I guess.” He did a quick hand sign and disappeared.

“Oh, my God, I can’t believe I did that. I only have eyes for one person. And I will go back to him…right now.” She disappeared and reappeared at Chris’s front door. Quickly and loudly, she knocked.

The door opened and she was met with Chris’s older brother, who was shirtless.

“Is Chris home?”

“No, but I am.”

“Where’s Chris?”

Jake growled. “Not home. Why don’t you come in?”

Jasmine clenched her fists and growled, “If you don’t tell me where he is I swear I’ll…”

“You’ll what?”

Her hand glowed blue.

“Oooh…that’s what.” He pointed down the street to a tan colored house.

“Thanks. Hey, you could be a good friend if you weren’t always trying to get me in your bed.” She smiled before walking down the street and to the white door on the tan colored house. She knocked twice before a girl about seventeen answered.

“Hi. Can I help you?”

“Is Chris here?”

Her face went from friendly to cold in a minute. “Why are you looking for him?”

“I came to get him back.”

She hissed and her fists clenched at her sides. “He’s my boyfriend, if you must know.”

Jasmine snarled, and her eyes hardened. “Oh, really?”

“Yep. We’ve already…oh…I shouldn’t tell you that.”

“Angela, who’s at the door?”

“Oh, it’s nobody, Chris.”

He appeared beside her. “Oh…Jasmine, you weren’t lying.”

“I told you that I’d be back and you went and got a new girlfriend anyway! How could you!”


“So how many times have you slept with this whore? Huh?”

“Ten,” said Angela cheerfully. “And you’ll never have him back.”

“And how many people have you slept with before?”

“Thirty.” Suddenly, her eyes widened once she realized what she’d done. “You bitch!” she shrieked.

“You’ve slept with thirty people?” growled Chris. “How dare you! You told me I was your first!”


Jasmine’s eyes widened. Oh shit.

“Which means…YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME!” Chris yelled, furious.


“YOU BITCH!” He punched her.

“Chris!” snapped Jasmine.

“I’m sorry, Jasmine. I didn’t know, I swear.”

“I know. And, I forgive you, on one condition.”


“Move to the Leaf Village with me.”

Chris nodded. “Alright.”

They walked back to Chris’s house silently, the silence becoming awkward by the second.

Once they got to his house, Jasmine sat on the couch while Chris walked upstairs to pack all of his things.

“What’s going on?” asked Jake.

“Chris’s girlfriend was cheating on him so now we’re back together and he’s moving with me back to the Leaf Village.”

Jake’s mouth went slack. “May I come, too?”

“Well, since you are his guardian…sure.”

Jake smiled a half smile and went back to his room to pack his things, too.

About an hour later, Chris and Jake were packed and they were hauling all of their things into Jake’s red 2009 F430 Ferrari.

“Aw, Jake, I love, and I mean absolutely love, your car. Please tell me how much it was. I want one just like it.”

Jake grinned, obviously pleased with her choice in car. “Over 230,000 dollars.”

Jasmine’s mouth turned down into a frown. “Dammit. Why must fast cars be so expensive?”

Jake laughed. “That wasn’t expensive for me. But, of course, you already know that.”

She sighed. “Yeah…”

“Hey, maybe I’ll get you one for Christmas.”

Her face brightened. “Really?”


Twenty minutes later, they were unpacking all of their things into a three bedroom house, with a glass ceiling and black walls.

“Ah,” sighed Jasmine dreamily, “I love it.”

Chris smiled her favorite smile. “I knew you would. That’s why I picked it.”

“You’ve always known what I liked.”

“That’s why you love me.”

“No. I love you for you.”

“And I love you, too. For you.”

Jasmine smiled, then frowned when there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” she said, walking out of her room and over to the front door. Cautiously, she opened it and saw Neji.

“Oh, hi,” she said, enthusiasm leaking into her voice. “What brings you here?”

He shrugged. “I made your sister leave you alone.”

Her face brightened. “Really? Awesome! Thanks.”

“Now you owe me something. Isn’t that how this thing goes? I do something for you, you do something for me?”

She had to grin. “Yeah, pretty much. To what do I owe this favor?”

His eyes narrowed as he picked what he was going to say. After about thirty seconds, he said in a quiet voice, “You seem really dangerous and yet…not. Tell me, what are you?”

She gritted her teeth and glared at him. “If I knew that was what you were going to ask, I wouldn’t have agreed to the little charade.”

“Well you did, so why don’t you tell me the truth? What are you, Jasmine. What have you got to hide that you don’t want anyone to know? Not even your own parents or sister.”

“How do you know about that?!” she practically yelled.

Chris came running down the stairs. “What’s wrong?” His eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”

“Tell me.”

“Neji,” she growled through clenched teeth. “Don’t do this.”

“Let me guess, your boyfriend doesn’t even know?”

“Know what?”

“But his brother does.”

“Neji, stop! Right now!”

“What does Jake know about you that I don’t know?!” growled Chris.

“Fine, I’ll tell both of you. But please don’t tell anyone and don’t fucking freak…I don’t want to lose you, Chris. Not again. And you, Neji, got rid of my sister, so you deserve to know.”

Chris relaxed, that is, until Neji walked in and shut the door behind himself.

“I’m…I’m not normal.”

“Well, of course not, you’re a ninja.”

“That’s not what I mean, Chris.”

Jake came into the room just then and he was looking straight at her with pained eyes. Silently he mouthed, “I’m sorry you have to do this.”

“Me, too, Jake. Me, too. I’m…not human.”

“What are you saying, Jasmine?”

“I’m…I’m a demon.”

Neji looked satisfied, while Chris looked like he got punched in the gut. And Jake looked pissed at whatever Chris was thinking.

Jake’s a demon, too.

“I am also one.”

They all stared at Jake, except Jasmine, who saw this coming. She was looking at the floor, a terrible expression on her face. One of complete betrayal and horror.

“Why did you make me do this, Neji? Now my boyfriend hates me. It’s all your fault!” she suddenly yelled. She walked over to Chris and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t touch me you filthy demon!” he yelled, jumping away from her.

“Chris, don’t talk to her like that!” yelled Jake, shoving Chris into the wall and pinning him to it. “You’ve loved her your whole life and now you’re turning your back on her just because she’s different! What the hell’s the matter with you!”

“Get off of me! I’m going to kill her!”

Jasmine flinched away from them. “Chris…”


Chris shoved Jake away and lunged for her.

“Stop!” Sand suddenly enclosed on Chris’s body, holding him in place.

Jasmine turned toward the voice. “Gaara…”

He looked at her once and then stared at Chris. He threw out his hand and was about to close it when Jasmine shouted, “DON’T KILL HIM!” Gaara stared at her, an emotionless look that made her shrink away.

“Please,” she whispered.

He dropped his hand and disappeared, but not before saying, “I don’t see why you’d want to save a worthless bastard like him.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sam's so stupid. Same with Angela.

Comments make me happyyy (: