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I'd Come For You



The hospital walls were very plain and very white. The floor was blue and tiled.

There were flowers on the desk and the chairs were blue.

A blond girl was behind a desk, typing away.

"Could you tell me what room Gaara is in?" Kaori asked, trying not to freak out. I can't figure out how they got to him.

"Are you family?"

"Well, no, but--"

"Then you have to wait right here."

"Tell me what room he's in."


"What room is he in?!" she yelled.


She picked the girl up by her shirt. "Look, lady, I've been through hell today. I had to protect Gaara and myself and now I'm beating myself up because I failed to protect him. So if you don't tell me, I will put you through hell. Okay?" She dropped her.

"Room 4B."

"Thanks, lady," she snapped and walked down the hall.

The door was even white. The letters 4B, though, were black.

She opened the door and gasped.

Gaara was paler than usual and there were cuts lining his body. His eyes were closed.

The door shut and locked behind her as she stood by Gaara. "Gaara," she whispered. "Please wake up. I love you. You are everything to me and I will not stop until the people who hurt you are dead."


"Gaara...I love you. And I need you. Please wake up! Dammit, I need you!"

Still nothing. No movement at all.

Four hours later...
Kaori was about to scream when Kankuro walked in.

An awkward silence filled the room as they stared at each other.

"The nurse said it's lights out; no more visitors..."

She nodded and brushed past him as the lights in patients rooms started turning off.

Some were snoring, while with others all you could hear was the buzz of the machines.

Once outside, she noticed that there were no stars; just a bright moon that lit up the cloudless sky. Yet it did not light the ground at all.

She started to walk home when she remembered that it was burnt to ash. Not that she cared. Nothing precious to her was in there. No, he was in the hospital.

For some reason, she didn't want to be in a warm house, but she knew that she had to be, so she started the walk to Shihari's. Once there, she knocked.

Shihari opened the door five minutes later, half awake. "What's the special occasion?"

"I need a place to stay?"

He stopped aside and she walked in.

"Jesus, Shihari, when's the last time you've cleaned?"

"Close to never. Asteris said the bomb."


"I couldn't say it back."

Kaori let out a frustrated growl. "You need to stop living in the past! This is the future; she isn't going to beat you for crying out loud! Get the fuck over it!"

He snarled. "Get out."

She stopped as he shoved open the door, letting in the cold winter air. "Shihari--"

"Get. Out," he yelled, shoving her.

She stumbled and fell onto her knees on the front porch.

"You know, it's my mothers' fault that I got stuck with your dumbass, you fucking bitch. You're so worthless. You disgust me! I hope Gaara leaves you all alone because you certainly deserve to be dead!"

She stayed silent; frozen in place as tears welled in her eyes.

He slammed the door.

Slowly, shakily, she stood and let the tears fall down her already frozen cheeks.

One lonely star stood in the middle of the dark sky.

That's me. I'm all alone.

Shihari watched as she left. He was beyond angry. He could kill her easily. He turned and then...SLAP.

A red mark was left on his cheek as a shaking Asteris stood in front of him. "How could you?"

"How could I? Asteris, you--"

"All she ever did was care for you! And you told her to die!"


She vanished, but he saw a tear trail down her cheek before she did.

What have I done?

Suddenly, a scream rang out.

Kaori ran toward it and saw Asteris holding her lower stomach. "Asteris, what's going on--"

"The baby! She's coming."

Kaori's eyes widened and before she knew it, she had them both at the hospital.

The nurse looked up, paled, and then wheeled in a wheelchair for Asteris to sit in.

She screamed again. "My water broke!" she cried.

Twenty minutes later...

Kaori looked up as Asteris was wheeled out of the room, a beautiful white haired baby in her arms. Her eyes widened. "Her's white!"

"Yes. But isn't Suna precious?"


"You could always name her something--"

Asteris hissed and narrowed her eyes at the nurse who wheeled her out. "My baby, her name," she snarled, hugging the child close to her chest.

Suna's eyes opened and Kaori gasped as they met hers. Her eyes were the prettiest red you could imagine.

They were all surprised when she let out a small giggle. Not a cry, but a giggle.

"Would you like to hold her, Kaori?"

Kaori shook her head. "I was going to check on Gaara.."

Asteris nodded and she walked down the hall, toward Gaara's room.

Asteris let out a low hiss. "You touch my baby and I'll rip your arm off," she snapped.

Suna stared down the hall that the girl named Kaori went down. She's special...

A guy with wings suddenly appeared beside them. "Asteris--"


"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it, I swear. I was...scared..."

Asteris's eyes softened. "It's alright."

Shihari's eyes landed on Suna and he gasped. "S-Suna?"

Asteris nodded.

"She's amazing..."

A tear slid down Kaori's cheek as she stared at Gaara. He got worse in less than an hour.

If possible, he was even paler.

His eyes suddenly opened. They were cold; almost lifeless in color.

"Oh, Gaara," she whispered. "I'm so sorry...I failed. This is all my fault! I should be here, not you!"

"Shut up, Kaori."

His voice was so cold toward her. "G-Gaara?"

"Why are you here? I mean nothing to you, obviously."

"No. You're wrong!"

He laughed bitterly. "Just leave. I don't want you here and you don't want to be here. So just go."

"You're just confused; yeah, that's it. Confused. Y-You're not awake and just dreaming. But you'll wake up and when you do, he'll be wrapped in your arms like normal. Oh, please tel me I'm dreaming!" she cried.

But Gaara was back in his coma.

"Get out!" a nurse snapped.

She reluctantly left and saw Shihari.

"Kaori, I'm sorry--"

"Forgiven," she said, broken as she walked out of the hospital.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since Suna is a demon baby, she is a lot smarter than humans.

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