Status: Comments and subscribers mean updatess (:

I'd Come For You

He's Finally Awake?!


One year later...

Gaara had been in a coma for one year now. Shihari and Asteris were engaged. Kaori was single, still. And Suna was two and a half.

Strange how one year can go by so quickly when all you do is sit by your ex's side, hoping and praying that he'll wake up from a coma.

But does he? No. But was Kaori giving up? Hell, no. Gaara is the love of her life. There was no way in hell that she was giving up.

Unfortunately, Asteris wasn't a very good mother, but Kaori never said anything. How could she?

Kaori sighed as she watched Naruto flirt with Sakura, who wasn't really a bitch, but a nice girl. Who knew? Kaori certainly hadn't.

Sakura flirted back just as much.

"Touch her arm..." she told Naruto in his head and he obeyed.

Sakura giggled and suddenly pecked Naruto on the lips.

Kaori smiled sadly from where she was hiding. "Need anymore help, brother?"


Thank God... She disappeared and appeared in front of the hospital. Her mouth dropped. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming...Please!"

There, a couple of feet in front of her, was Gaara.

His eyes were narrowed and held no emotion.

"Gaara!" she screamed and ran toward him. Her arms immediately wrapped themselves around his neck. "I missed you!"

His body went rigid and he made no move to hug her back.

"Gaara," she whispered, pulling back, "are you okay?"

His eyes raked themselves down her body and suddenly, she was pinned against a tree twenty feet away from the hospital.

"Uh, Gaara?"

Shihari held Suna in his arms, a proud and happy smile on his face. My baby girl. Mine!

Asteris came through the door and was immediately annoyed as she saw Suna in his arms. "Put her down and let's do it, baby."

Shihari didn't want to piss her off, but that was too bad. "No."

Her eyes flashed. "What?!"

"I said no."

Asteris came at him when something red popped up around them.

A force field? How? "Suna?"

She smiled and then giggled, eyes changing to black, then red.


Asteris shrieked.

"This meant nothing." Gaara disappeared, leaving Kaori on the ground.

His voice was so cold. But he was so passionate. How could that mean nothing to him? It meant everything to me! He probably wasn't thinking about me as he...

A tear fell down her cheek as she though that. His touch had sent so many jolts of electricity through my body...

It hit her right then and there. "If Gaara died...I would have died. Inside and out. Gaara...he's mine. He's the one. And I have to have him back!"

Suna was staring at her pissed of mother through the force field. Since she couldn't talk yet, she communicated with her mind. "Daddy, stop her."

Shihari put her gently down and as soon as the force field went down, he had Asteris pinned against the wall. "Stop it! Did you really want to fucking kill our only daughter?!"

"I'm sorry! I get jealous easily! You know this!"

"You shouldn't! She's our fucking daughter, not another girl that can steal me away from you!"

"Forgive me, please!"

He sighed, then pulled her into a hug.

Kaori was trying to locate Gaara, and was failing in the process. "Where did he go?!"


She was tackled by Naruto. "Wrr...Naruto?"




She shoved him off and glared. "Yes?"

"Thank you! Sakura's my girlfriend now! So what happened with Gaara?"

Her eyes widened. "We"


"He's awake."

"Well, where is he?"

"I don't know..."

"How do you not know?"

"Because he said it meant nothing."

Naruto's face became stone. "Fuck him, then."

"Naruto!" she snapped. "I love him!"

"You don't need him," he snarled.

She said nothing and disappeared.

How could he? He never gave up on Sakura. Even when she tortured me to no end. And he's telling me to give up on someone I've loved since I was seven? Fuck that!

"What the fuck!" she screamed once she finally found Gaara.

Angel had her legs wrapped around his waist as they kissed.

Gaara glared at her.

It suddenly hit her that she truly didn't mean anything to him. She gripped the ring that was on her finger and threw it at him. "I hate you!" she screamed and ran off.

All this time, Gaara had continued kissing Angel. And all this time, she had meant nothing to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating sooner...I hadn't really got around to it. But now I decided that today was the day that I would make people happy :D. Also, now that I have a laptop, hopefully there will be a lot more updates sooner.

To all of you people who liked Asteris, sorry, but I had to make SOMEONE a bitch. And for everyone who wanted Gaara sane again, sorry, again, but I just can't make that happen...yet xD.

Commentssssss. Messages? Pleaseeee? It will make me happy (: .