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I'd Come For You

I'm What?!


Five weeks later..

Naruto had suggested that Kaori go to the doctors even though she knew that he was crazy.

He had been being extra nice to her after that fight.

Now Naruto was sitting on the couch, waiting for her to get home, a huge grin on his face.

The door flew open and there stood Kaori with a shocked look on her face.



"Who's the dad?"

She looked at him with a haunted look on her face. " the father..." Then she broke down right there.

So apparently she'd been pregnant for five weeks and never knew it.

"You could always get an abortion...or put it up for adoption." That had been Naruto's big solution to her big problem.

Her eyes flashed and it took all her power not to lash out at Naruto. "It's my baby," she snarled. "And if you call him an it again, I will not stop myself. Got it?" Her voice held so much venom that it made Naruto tremble a little.

"Okay, okay!" He held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm going for a walk."

"At least think--"

He was thrown through a door, the pieces of it going everywhere.

As she walked, the haunted look never left her. Her hands found her lower stomach. Aisu Kyu Uzumaki.

Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks, her hands falling to her side.

There, in front of her, about fifty feet away, was Gaara. I can't do this! I haven't talked to him in almost two months!

Angel walked to his side and once she saw Kaori, she started making out with him.

Through all of this, Gaara's eyes never strayed away from her.

"You're an ass, Gaara..." Her whole body was shaking, her heart shattering a thousand times more.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch?" Angel sneered.

"I came here to tell him something, but I don't want to destroy your little show," she shot back.

Angel was in front of her and went to punch her lower stomach, where Aisu was growing inside of her.

She screamed, "No!" and Angel was pinned to the ground, fear on her face, "You ever punch me there, and I will kill you!"

Gaara threw her off and Kaori made sure she landed on her back. And then Gaara was there, about to shove a kunai into her stomach.

She jumped back. "Do you want to kill your son?" she snarled, voice cracking.

Gaara froze. "What?"

"That's right. You're a father." She snarled the word.

"You're lying," Angel snarled.

Gaara said nothing as emotions shot across his face. First surprise, then sadness, then anger, and finally disbelief.

"No, I'm not..."


"Want me to prove it?" she snarled, throwing the papers at Angel's face.

She studied them, then gaped. "You cheated?"

"No, he didn't. He got with you after."

"Oh, good."

"You know, Gaara..."

He looked at her.

"...I tried hating you. It didn't work. And son won't even have a father. How sad..." She disappeared before she burst into tears in front of the two of them.

Her bedroom door was locked and she ignored Naruto as he tried, but failed, to get her out of her room.

"Don't worry, Aisu, your dad will come around..."

"Kaori, I swear I will--"

"Naruto, shut the fuck up! I want to be alone!" she screamed.

It was silent on the other side of the door. "Sorry, Kaori, for wanting to help..."

She felt absolutely horrible after that.

A whimper came from the other side of the door.

Kaori went and unlocked her door, then pulled it open.

On the other side was a carrier. Inside of it was a Samoyed puppy.

Kaori blinked as she opened it and out came a white ball of fuzz.

Its ears were back and tail down.

"Hey, boy," she cooed, her voice soft.

Gaara didn't feel right being with Angel.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm going to go home..."

"Oh, come on, Gaara. You can't tell me that this is bothering you this much!"

"For crying out loud, Angel, I'm a fucking father!"


He stood up and walked out of her house, pissed.
♠ ♠ ♠

The Samoyed puppy :D

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