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I'd Come For You

Ride The Wind


"Gaara, what are you doing?" Kaori asked, a shocked look on her face.

"Absolutely nothing," he said with a huge grin.

"Uh huh. That's why you are smiling like an idiot and playing innocent?"


"Okay. Gaara. What are you hiding. Tell your pregnant girlfriend."

"Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'.\\

"Fine, be that way. I'm going for a walk. See ya later."

"Love you," Gaara said.

"Love you, too," Kaori said with a huge grin on her face as she shut the door. I finally got him.

She started walking and soon found herself following Angel quietly. Where the fuck is the little bitch going? She had better not be going to my house to see Gaara. I will fucking kill her.

I have to win him back. Even if it means kissing him. I must get him away from Kaori. She does not deserve him. She won't show him the love I showed him. Why do I keep feeling like I'm being watched or followed?

Oh who cares. Just get there on time. That's all I need to do.

Once she got there, she threw open the door which left a shocked Gaara standing in the middle of the room.

"Angel?" His face immediately became cold. "Get the fuck out of Kaori's house you little slut."

"Gaara please! Hear me out!"

His arms crossed over his chest.

"I love you! I always have! You're the world to me. You're the one. Please dump Kaori and come back to me. She means nothing to you, remember?"

"I guess you're right..."

Kaori's heart sunk as she heard him say that. How could he...

"Really?!" Angel yelled happily.

"No! Now get the fuck out!"

Oh. He was joking. Okay...

"Gaara please!"

Kaori jumped from the roof and stood behind Angel. "Get out of my house, slut."

Angel jumped at least five feet in the air. "K-Kaori. Gaara said you mean nothing to him! I swear!"

"Yeah? Well, I also heard he was joking."

"No he wasn't. Gaara tell her!"

"I wasn't joking."

But Kaori could tell he was lying. She knew him that well.

"See! I told you."

"Gaara, haven't I ever told you not to lie?"

A smirk came across his face. "Yes you did. But you also told me that you love me."

"That's because I do!"

"And I love you. Which is why I'm going to do this. My Tien, come here."

A blush rose to her cheeks as she walked over to Gaara. "Yes, Aku?"

He took out a box, got on one knee, opened it, and said, "Kaori, my Tien sent from heaven to save me, will you marry me?"

Silence. Dead silence.


"YES! OH MY FUCKING GOD YES!!" She jumped into Gaara's arms and kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠

The engagement ring. (:

Awww he proposedd :D. So happy.

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