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I'd Come For You

I Love You


Jasmine was depressed after they had to kick Chris out of their new home. She remembered the conversation even though it had been two days ago.

“Jasmine, we have to kick him out before he kills one of us.”

“But Jake! Maybe he can change! He’ll understand if we prove to him that we love him…”

“Jazz…no. He won’t. Even if he changes, there will always be a part of him that will want to kill us. We can’t take that chance. I already lost my brother, I won’t lose you too.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You’ve become a sister to me, Jazz. I realize that now.”

“Oh, Jake…I don’t want him to leave. Please…”

“Jasmine,” he snapped, “do you really want to die that badly? Or do you want me to kill him while he tries to kill one of us?”


“Then he has to leave.”

She sighed and continued walking. I damn you Neji. I damn you to Hell. I guess it was a test, though. I mean, if he did love me as much as he said, wouldn’t he have stayed and not wanted to kill me? I give up…

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

She turned, seeing someone she didn’t know, talking to a girl with short blue purple hair.

“K-Kiba…I-I…I was just…”

The guy, Kiba, grinned. “Hinata, I was wondering where you were because well...I was wondering if you wanted to train with me and Akamaru today?”




Jasmine smiled. “Hey.”

If Kiba would have gave her a more murderous look than what he was already giving her, she would have killed him knowing the mood she was in.

She gave Kiba her emotionless glare that she picked up from Gaara. “Is there a problem?”

“Nope. None at all,” he growled.

“Then why don’t you stop glaring at me, hmm?”

His fists clenched at his sides. “Why would I be glaring? I don’t even know you.”

“My words exactly.”

“K-Kiba…w-where is Akamaru?”

Jasmine turned her gaze to Hinata.

Suddenly, Kiba whistled and a dog that was the size of a horse walked over to Kiba.


Kiba’s lips twitched, forcing a smile to replace his glare. “What, never seen a dog this big?”

“Nope, and I never planned on it, either.”

Akamaru put his ears back and bared his fangs as he stared at her.

Dammit, the thing senses the danger within me. See, this is why I don’t have any cats or animals period. A horse would trample me and this dog…well, he can tear me apart. “Hey, Akamaru…,” she said, wary.

Akamaru growled.

“I should probably…go…”

“And miss all the fun?” said Kiba. “Akamaru, what’s wrong?”

Akamaru began whimpering and barking in low tones.

“Not human?”

“I really should…go…like…now.”

Kiba’s eyes locked on her. “Hinata, go, and take Akamaru with you.”

“Okay, Kiba-Kun.” Hinata got on Akamaru’s back and they disappeared behind the trees.

“Not. Human. Huh?”

“Leave her alone, Kiba.”


“Why should I, Neji? Akamaru says she’s dangerous and isn’t human, so I want to know for myself.”

“Ninjas aren’t technically fully human, Kiba.”

As if on queue, Jake appeared at her side, his body a few inches in front of hers in a protective stance. “Leave her,” he snarled.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Jake, what are you doing?”

“Protecting you. Now go!”

“But Jake-”


Jasmine took one last look at Kiba before taking off at inhuman speed.

She was panting by the time she knew she was far enough away from them. I hope he knows what he’s doing. She felt a presence behind her so she turned around and stared at the one guy she’d never think to see: Sasuke Uchiha. “What are you doing?”

“From the looks of it, wouldn’t you assume immediately that I was following you?”

She gave him a bored look. “Yes, but that’d be too easy. I’d rather have you admit it first.”

“Well, what if I wouldn’t admit it?”

“Then I’d assume you were a stalker because they don’t admit things that they do.”


“You’re not laughing.”


“Exactly what?”

He smiled an arrogant smile. “You’re not as funny as you think you are, Jasmine.”

“Who ever said I think that I’m funny?”

“No one, I suppose. But I just agreed with it.”

“Haha. Very funny.”

“See, I’m funny.”

“And I’m pretty,” she said.

“I have to agree with that.”

Her eyes widened and a full grin spread across her face. “You’re so sweet,” she laughed.

“That’s something I’ve never heard before. But I guess there’s a first for everything, right?”

“Yep. Hmm, I must ask, ever had a first kiss before?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Why unfortunately?”

“Because Naruto got accidentally bumped into me, which basically made us kiss,” he growled.

She laughed. “I’ll bet that’s something you’d never expected to happen.”

“Not at all.”

“Well, I guess I wouldn’t call that an actual kiss, since it was on accident. How ‘bout I show you what a real first kiss is like, huh?”

He blinked, obviously startled with her choice of words. “No, thanks.”

“Why not?” she snapped. “You said I was pretty!”

“I said you were pretty, but that doesn’t mean I like you.” He gave her a weird look. “You’re obviously used to getting everything you want. Well, this isn’t one of those things. Got it, Jasmine?”

Jasmine rolled her eyes. “No, if you must know, I’m not used to getting everything I want. If I was, I’d still have a boyfriend.”

“Aw, did the little ass break up with you? What a shame.”

“No,” she snapped, “he wants to kill me.”

He rose a brow. “Why?”


“Did you sleep with someone else? Cheat on him? What?”

“No, and no. It’s none of your business.” She looked past Sasuke. “Jake? That you?”

He smiled and walked out from under a tree. “I held him off. And now I see you have another problem.” He shook his head, his hair falling into his face. “Do you always have these many problems?”

“Nah. I normally don’t have any. But then again, the people around here are quite annoying.” Except one. And I really want to get to know him. He seems really interesting.

“So it seems.”

“Neji got rid of my sister, but then he made me tell my secret…which got my ex into wanting to kill the two of us.” She smiled sadly.

“I wish I could have helped you there, but sorry I couldn’t.”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it isn’t. He shouldn’t have made you do that. It was wrong.”

“What the hell are you two talking about?”

Jake turned to glare at Sasuke, which turned murderous. “Shut up and get the hell out of here.”

“Fuck no.”

“Jake, leave him alone.”


“I don’t like him, but I won’t let him get hurt because of you!”

Sasuke glowered at Jake. “Screw you.”

“Get the fuck--”

“Jake!” Jasmine screamed in horror as a kunai shot straight into his chest.

He staggered forward, gasping for air. “Jazz…”

“Jake, no!” she yelled, skidding forward on her knees and catching him in her arms. “No!” She shot a look at Sasuke, and snarled, “Get the fuck out of here!”

Gaara was standing at the head of the forest when he heard a scream and then saw Kankuro run out. “Kankuro,” he growled, “what have you done?”

“What do you mean, Gaara? I haven’t done anything.”

Another scream, an angry one.

Kankuro tensed, ready to bolt.

“Kankuro,” snarled Gaara.

“All right! I, uh, killed someone.” He started running.

Gaara stood there. Who’d he kill?

“Oh, Jake. Dammit, live! Live for me, Jake, please! I love you! You’re my non-blooded brother. Please, Jake, you have to live!”

As she felt his body drop a few degrees, she took off her jacket and pressed it on his wound to stop the bleeding.

After about five minutes, blood was seeping onto her hands. Quickly, she ripped more than half of her shirt of and placed it, too, on his wound.

He gasped and then spat out blood.

She felt the blood leave her face as he closed his eyes and became limp. “Jake?” she whispered. Her body went numb as she saw that he wasn’t breathing. He was freezing. “Jake!” she screamed.

I’ll go with you, Jake. You won’t be alone. I swear it.

Quickly, she grabbed the kunai that was laying beside her and slit her wrists.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wake up this morning, and I have a suscriber. :D.

I'm going to post a lot today ^^. Hopefully.
