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I'd Come For You

Protect Yourself


Jasmine had always thought that she’d officially die of old age. She also thought that she’d marry Chris. But the future can change drastically with one little mistake.

Her body was becoming cold and she was finding it very hard to breathe. No! What have I done? I don’t want to die! She put her fingers to her wrists but the blood wouldn’t stop flowing.

Suddenly sand replaced her shaky fingers.

She looked up as a shadow fell over her and she found Gaara towering above her. She was still gasping for air as she tried to stand, and failed.

“Why,” she gasped as he caught her by her arms, sending a jolt of electricity through her, “are you helping me?”

“I don’t know.”

“You should have left me to die.”

He dropped her and she landed on her knees. “Well in that case…”

Her gaze landed on Jake and she remembered why she was in this situation in the first place.

Gaara stared at her as she debated on what to do. Why am I helping her?

Her breathing started to slow.

She has to go to the hospital. He gripped her arms again and lifted her up.

Her eyes…they’re red.

Jasmine felt the bloodlust and before she knew what she was doing, she had already bit into his throat and was drinking his blood.

The sand had tried to protect him, but she was too fast for it.

“Gaara!” yelled Temari. ‘Kankuro, shoot her!”

She heard Gaara whisper, “Sand Shield.” Before she knew it, she was running at Kankuro, doing a hand sign that no one in the Hidden Leaf Village knew.

“Protect yourself, Gaara,” she yelled. “Bloodlust Grave!” She skidded to a stop as the ground erupted and twenty vampires rose from their graves. “You killed Jake, so now you die!”

The area they were in became a Checkers board, only they weren’t playing Checkers, they were playing Chess.

Gaara was watching the game with no emotion. wonder she told me to protect myself…

A vampire latched onto a Knight and they went to the graveyard; Jasmine’s graveyard.

“Check. Mate,” said Jasmine.

Gaara’s eyes found themselves on Jasmine. is pretty.

“Now,” she said, “you die!” A sword manifested itself into her hand and she started twirling it before placing it in her hand, point out toward Kankuro. She started running for him, and since this was Chess, Kankuro couldn’t dodge.

I have to save him. He is, after all, my brother. He threw out his hand and sand covered the sword and pulled it out of her hands.

“What?” Her eyes latched on Gaara. “Gaara, I don’t understand…”

“He’s my brother. I had to do something.”

Kankuro stayed frozen on the field.

Jasmine did a hand sign and said, “Release!” Her eyes narrowed as she saw the sword laying by Gaara. “Dammit, Gaara!” she snarled and walked past him. She quickly picked up the sword and put it in its holster. As she walked away, she started mumbling incoherent things. How dare he stop me! Of course, if Kankuro was my big brother, I’d protect him, too. But still…he killed my last family…Jake was like my big protective brother. And Kankuro killed him. A tear rolled down her cheek at the thought of being alone.

Twenty minutes later, she was leaning against a tree, listening to “Sad But True” by Metallica on her iPod. She felt a presence and looked up. She paused her iPod and looked at the new people in front of her. “May I help you?”

“Actually, yes, you can.”

She sighed and turned her iPod off and put it in her pocket. “With what?”

The guy on the left smirked.

“You need to come with us.”

“Why?” She stretched the word out as if they were stupid.

“Because we, too, are demons.”

I’m not alone?! Her mouth dropped and a startled gasp came out of her mouth.

“That’s right,” said the guy on the right.

“So why do I need to come with you?”

“You don’t want to be alone, do you?”

She looked away. “Who are you guys?”

The one on the left held out his hand. “Jason.”

She only stared at it.

“Oookay. Never mind.”

The other guy just said “Rayven”.


“We know.”

Her gaze snapped back to Rayven. “What?”

“Why do you think we’ve come all this way for you? We’ve known about you for…how long has it been?”

“Two years?”

“Yeah, that sounds right. And then we just found out that Jake just got killed.”

She flinched. “Did you have to mention that? God dammit!”

“Sorry,” said Rayven. “So, will you come with us or not?”

“Depends on where we’re going?”

“Back to your village.”

Her eyes hardened. “Screw that,” she growled.

Rayven’s eyes hardened and turned red. “Well then I guess we’ll have to use force.”

She wasn’t prepared for Rayven to tackle her. And she definitely wasn’t prepared for Jason to tie her hands and feet.

“Now then,” said Rayven, picking her up. “We should go now.”

“No!” she screamed. “Let me go!”


Gaara. He sure knows when to show up. Damn. Then again, he always has.

Rayven tensed and stared at the red-head in front of him. “Who are you?”

“Put her down.”

“I asked you a question,” snapped Rayven.

“And I gave you an order.”

“This guy is a retard, eh, Rave?”

“You really want to go there?”

Rayven tossed Jasmine to Jason and walked over to the red haired punk. “I could crush you in ten seconds, punk.”

Gaara laughed, and it was evil. “And I could kill you in even less than that.”

“Oh, really? I’d like to see you try.”

“Gaara!” Jasmine yelled as Jason started running the other way with her in his arms.

Gaara tensed, and threw out his hand. “Sand Coffin!”

Rayven was covered in sand in a second.

Gaara ran after Jasmine.

Jasmine made the gourd on his back go away so that way he could run even faster.

“Stop!” he yelled, running even faster.

Jason looked back and laughed. “Come on, punk!”

Gaara threw out his hand and sand covered the ground under Jason. It started moving so that way Jason was running, but wasn’t going anywhere.

“Why is he getting even closer?!” he yelled, trying to run faster.

“Heh.” Gaara grabbed Jason by the collar of his shirt once he got close enough. He pulled him back.

Jason dropped Jasmine.

“Ow!” she yelled as she fell on her bent arm. It bent back and the bone snapped. She cried out in pain and she noticed that Gaara’s eyes hardened.

Gaara threw out his hand and sand covered Jason. He suddenly covered her and then snarled, “Sand Coffin!”

“Sand Burial!” The sand walls moved closer together and then finally met, blood spewing everywhere as it crushed Jason.

She stared up at him. “Gaara…what are you-” She screamed as he bent her arm back. The bone immediately put itself back together.

He took a shuriken out of his pocket and sliced the ropes around her wrists and ankles.

Temari was watching Gaara as he helped Jasmine up. “I can’t believe it,” she whispered to Kankuro.

“I know. He’s never been interested in any girls. Well, except the one… This is a miracle.”

“Did you see the way she looked at him?”

He smirked. “Yeah.”

“I wonder if he realizes that she likes him. I wonder if he likes her, too, or if he’s just being a friend.”

Kankuro’s smirk faded. “I’m not sure, but if she’s interested in him, then that will truly be a miracle. Everyone is mostly afraid of Gaara.”

“Yeah. But that’s only because of Shakuku.”


“Thanks for, uh, saving me…again.”

“Yeah. Now you owe me. Again.”

She smiled and laughed.

An awkward silence ran between them.

“So, um, I’m going to…go…Thanks again for saving me.”

He just stared at her.

“Yeah…bye.” She disappeared.

There’s something about her. I can’t place it. I just can’t stop thinking about her. Dammit! This sucks.

“Hey, sexy,” said a girl with slurred words.

She must be drunk or something. “Are you lost?”

“Only when looking at you.”

“Okay, then…” Gaara stared at her. “What’s your name?”

“Samantha. But you can call me Sammy.”

“Wait a second…what’s your last name?”


“Wooow…” A memory flashed back into his mind.

“Gah! I hate Sam. She’s such a bitch. How dare she call me and say that Chris went back to her. Why her? Unless…dammit! Damn you, Sam. Damn you, Chris! I should have known that you were really cheating on me with my sister.”

Gaara watched Jasmine as she rambled on and on about her sister. He was fascinated with her, which was a surprise.

“I can’t believe that the day she first got drunk was when she first screwed my boyfriend at a party, who was also drunk.”

“So you’re Jasmine’s sister? The slut?”

“Jasmine…where is she? I need to see her.”

“Don’t you mean, kill her?”

“Yes, actually, that’s what I mean. She totally betrayed me. So where is the little bitch.”

“You came all this way to…never mind. I don’t know where she is, actually.”

“You liar,” she spat. “Seriously, where is she, Gaara.”

Gaara stared at her. “What?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard all about you. My sister would ramble on and on about you as she was talking to her best friends on the phone.”

His eyes narrowed. “I won’t let you touch her,” he growled.

Jasmine sighed and took the kunai she had and ran it down her arm, watching as the blood ran down it. “Why am I so depressed?” she asked herself.

“What are you…”

She looked up startled, to find Gaara, and Sam. Her fists clenched angrily. Now she’s going to steal him from me, too. Great. “I swear,” she snarled, standing and staring straight at Sam.

Sam smirked. “What’s wrong, sister dear?”

Jasmine hissed and went into her fighting stance. Left hand open, palm facing her sister, fingers a little bent down, right a little back from the left, same position. Right leg forward, a little bent, left back a little in the same position. HE’S MINE!!!!

“I’ve been preparing for this, Jasmine.”

She put her right hand out, palm facing the sky, while her left remained at her side. Left leg forward and bent, right leg behind it and bent. “It’s time for you to die!”

Gaara stood there, emotionless.

No! Did she already turn him against me, too? She wouldn’t…he couldn’t…NO!!!! She lunged at her sister and went to hit her with a shuriken.

She threw one and they both hit, countering each other.

Damn. “I hate you, you little witch!”

Gaara watched the battle with little interest. He kept his eyes on no one in particular. I wonder what got her into this…

“I’m not the one who’s going to die here,” Jasmine yelled.

Gaara snapped to attention as Jasmine’s sister yelled, “You will and I’ll steal him from you, too!” What? Steal me from her? What does she mean by that?

“He isn’t my boyfriend,” snarled Jasmine.

“And he never will be!”

Jasmine clenched her teeth. “You. Will. Not. Touch. Him.” Wind started blowing around her, whipping her hair up around her. She threw out her hands and lightning struck.

“What are you…”

One of the bolts hit two feet away from Sam. She screamed as one of them landed two inches away.

“Stop.” It was a command.

All became calm and Jasmine stared at Gaara.

“Never lower your guard!”

Jasmine’s eyes widened as she saw her sister behind her, but then Gaara’s sand shielded her.

“I said stop.” He glanced at Jasmine. “Come.”

She appeared beside Gaara and saw Sam fuming in anger. “Gaara,” she whispered.

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

“I don’t know what she was talking about.” Her gaze landed on Sam. “We’re finished here.”

“I think not,” she snapped. “Hehe.” Her body started to blur and then Jasmine’s chest was cut open. She was punched back and then thrown into a tree, headfirst.

“Gaara,” she whispered, before falling to the ground-on her side-unconscious.

Sam appeared above her, a kunai in her hand.

Gaara appeared in front of Jasmine. He quickly picked Jasmine up and disappeared just as the kunai would have pierced her chest.

“You know what,” growled Gaara, setting Jasmine down on her back. “It’s time I finished this. I am tired of you, bitch.”

Sam let out a gasp. “No! This is our-”

“Shut up!” he snarled. “This is our fight now!”

Jasmine awoke feeling something cold on her head. She shot into a sitting position and the ice pack that was on her head fell into her hand.

Her eyes darted everywhere. “Gaara?” She jumped to her feet when she couldn’t find him. Where is he? Oh, no, did she kill him? “Gaara!” she yelled and found herself shaking. “Where are you?” she screamed.
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Work with me here on the fighting positions. I'm not that good at describing.

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