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I'd Come For You

He's Gone?!


After twenty minutes of crying, she knew something was up, so she started running east. I have to find him. I barely know him, yet I love him.

“Gaara!” she screamed as she saw him. He didn’t even acknowledge her. “Wait!”

He disappeared.

She skidded to a stop and felt her lip tremble. She wiped angrily at the tears that were falling, but it was no use. “Gaara…come back…” Now I’m truly alone…

“He killed your sister.”

Kankuro. “What, why?”

“He said he had to protect you.”

“Why would he protect me and leave me alone in the woods,” she yelled.

“Don’t you even dare raise your voice at me!” He stepped closer.

“Kankuro, relax. She didn’t mean it. She’s upset.”

“Don’t be stupid, Jasmine.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know.”

They both disappeared.

“No, I don’t know!” She punched the closest thing-a tree-and watched as blood ran down her knuckles.

“Jasmine…stop it,” Jake would have scolded-if he were here.

Gaara wasn’t surprised to see his brother-Kankuro-and sister-Temari-appear next to him.


“Don’t say it, Temari.” He stared straight ahead, his face cold.

“Why’d you leave?”

“Damn it, Temari!”


“Shut up! Both of you just shut up!”

Jasmine was glaring at nothing in particular as she held a note written by Gaara in her hand.

Jasmine, It wrote
I’m leaving. I won’t be back. Don’t follow me. You won’t be able to. I’ll stop you. So this is goodbye.

“Gaara,” she whispered, “I will find you.” And with that, she started running toward the Sand Village. You will not stop me! I will find you and I will bring you back!

She found a wall of sand about seven miles from where she came from. Damn you! She started punching it as hard as she could when more sand trapped her.

Still, she kept punching.

“I told her that I would stop her. Did she listen? No.”

“Gaara, you shouldn’t have done that. All she wants is to bring you back.”

“Does it look like I want to go back?”

Temari gritted her teeth and stopped. “What’s the point in going back home? We have friends here, Gaara. People who-”

“Shut. Up.”

Kankuro looked away from Gaara. “She’s right, Gaara.”

“Since when do you agree with her,” snapped Gaara.

Kankuro shrugged.

He looked at Kankuro and then at Temari. “You’ll have to use force!”

She was still punching the tree--forcing her hands to become bloodier--when she felt a presence behind her. Without stopping, she said through gritted teeth, “Who’s there?”


She stopped and faced him. “Fight me.”


“Fight me! Fight me now!”

“Fine,” he snapped.

She went into her fighting stance and smiled.

He suddenly ran at her and disappeared.

She threw a punch and hit him in the stomach and he growled, “Byakugan!” and hit her in the shoulder, then her arm, leg, then finally, her chest.

She coughed up blood and fell to her knees where she gripped his ankles and pulled his legs out from under him.

After about twenty minutes of constant fighting, she stopped after hearing, “Temari, I can’t believe you forced me back.”

Neji got the advantage and hit her in the chest; she cried out once her back hit a tree.

“What the fuck…” Gaara looked at Neji and then at Jasmine.

“I knew you’d be back.” There was blood on both sides of her mouth. She looked over at Neji. “Good fight,” she said before passing out.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was short...Sorryy.

Comments will make me happy (: