The Little Girl

The beginning

Hi my name is Harmony and I'm five years old. This is a story of well my life.

I was sitting on the couch like I usually do when I wasn't in school, I liked school cause I didn't have to hear my parents fight. But of course they didn't always fight. We actually used to be a happy family. Mommy was a stay at home mommy and daddy was a mechanic.

Before I went and sat on the couch I got myself a snack then went and watched cartoons. I sometimes watch educational shows but there wasn't any interesting ones on. I learned a lot from some of the television shows. I didn't get much attention from my parents so I had to entertain myself in some way because the toys I had I was starting to outgrow and I hadn't gotten any new toys in a while. But it wasn't always this way.

See there used to be a lot of love in my house. My parents used to show me how much they loved me and each other every day but that all started to change about a year ago when my daddy lost his job. That's when it all started going downhill.

They had a savings account for me but they cleaned it out and then started just spending it on stuff they didn't need around the house. They did started getting this stuff called food stamps which was a card they could buy food with around the house.

My mommy started going out every night I don't know what she did but dad was always asking her about how much money she had earned and she was forced to give half of it to him. I heard mommy say something about hooking around town. Pretty soon they were drinking this stuff called alcohol. I took a drink one night to see how it tasted since mommy and daddy liked it so much and I got in big trouble for it. That was the first night that daddy really hit me hard. It scared me and I didn't ever do that again.

I made sure to stay out of their way as much as I could cause they never seemed happy. Daddy was always yelling and mommy was yelling back at him. Sometimes daddy would yell at me to go to my room even if I wasn't doing anything wrong. But other times him and mommy were so involved in their fighting they didn't even notice me around.

But one night was the night everything changed. Mommy was sitting at the table doing something called cocaine when daddy came in with something called a gun in one hand and a beer in the other. Him and mommy started fighting which wasn't anything new anymore. Daddy started waving the gun around, which it scared me so I quickly hid behind the couch. The next thing I knew I heard two bangs which didn't sound like good sounds.
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This isn't very long but it's something haha. There's more to come though.