The Little Girl

The Discovery

I started to hear noises as I was coming out from behind the couch, I didn't know what or who it was so I just quickly got back down. I heard a voice and instantly recognized who it was. It was one of the neighbor's Jessica Green. She had took care of me a lot when my mommy and daddy was sleeping. She was really nice and so was her husband.
As I was coming out from behind the couch I heard her scream which made me jump and fall to the floor. I had hit my arm on the table and start crying more.
"Oh goodness." I heard her say and what sounded like her footsteps.
Next thing I knew I was being picked up. After a few seconds my cries died down and I noticed she was taking me over to her house.
"Honey are you okay?" She asked me softly.
I was too scared and my arm hurt too much talk so I just nodded my head.

After we got to her house she asked if I was hungry I nodded my head and so she fixed me a sandwich. As I was eating I heard her talk on the phone but I didn't pay much attention to her talking. After about ten minutes I seen a guy come in and it scared me because he had a gun latched to his side.
"Hey it's okay, I wont hurt you I promise. I'm a police officer, I just want to ask you some questions okay?" He said and I just nodded slowly. "Did you see anything about what happened to your mommy and daddy? Anything at all?"
I didn't speak for a few seconds then said just about a whisper, "I seen my daddy come in with one of those." I pointed to the gun on his side, I watched him look at it then back at me.
"A gun?"
I nod and continue "He..he and mommy started yelling at each other. Daddy started waving the...gun around. It scared me so I hid behind the couch. While I was back there I heard two...Bang! Bang!" I said the last words loud cause the sound had been loud. "I didn't....I didn't come out until I had heard Jessica's voice. And when I was coming out from behind the couch, my hiding place when mommy and daddy fight, Jessica screamed and it scared me which made me jump I fell and that's when I hurt my arm." I motioned to my arm.
Some person, they said they were an EMT, bandaged my arm up and told the others that I needed to be taken to the hospital since my arm was broken. Two social workers wanted to take me to the hospital and then to some strangers home but Jessica begged them to keep me until they found a permanent home for me and that scared me, I didn't want to live at someones house who I didn't know. I had even started crying and saying that along with saying I wanted to stay with Jessica. They gave in and let me stay with her.

Right after the social workers left Jessica's husband, Max Green rushed in worried and Jessica explained everything to him. He came over to me and hugged me lightly. I wasn't scared of him at all cause he was a cool guy.
"Hi uncle Max." I said softly.
That's what I had called him, and I called Jessica aunt, even though they weren't really related to me but they didn't mind. I had known them since I was a lot younger then what I am now.
"You can stay here as long as you can okay?"
"Okay." I told him with a nod and kisses his cheek.

They then told the policemen they were taking me to the hospital and that's what they did. It was cool cause I got a lollipop and the color of cast I got was hot pink. The first person to sign it was Max which I though was awesome. After we were all done at the hospital we left and they took to me to the McDonald's. A little later they tucked me into the guest bedroom.
"I like this. I wish mommy and daddy did this with me."
Jessica rubbed my hair back and said "I know and we're sorry."
"It's okay. I know it's not your fault." I then seen a picture of a guy on a cross and pointed "I know him, well I don't know his name but he was there with me behind the couch holding me and...protecting me." I had spoken softly.
"Really?" Jessica asked and I nodded and glanced at Max, it almost looked like he was surprised at what I had said but I was too tired to say anything.
I asked Max if he would sing to me and he said he would then started singing softly to me. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

Jessica and Max left the room to let Harmony asleep. Jessica got herself something to drink then looked at Max and sighed.
"She will probably wake up sometime in the middle of the night."
"Yeah what happened tonight is hard on a little kid her age."
Jessica then broke down "I don't understand it Max. How come we can't have kids but yet people that don't deserve kids can have them so easily."
Max instantly comforted her by wrapping his arms around her and uses one of his hands to stroke the back of her head "I don't know babe, I don't understand it either." He told her as she cried on his chest.
"She's going to go to some stranger's house and we wont ever get to see or talk to her again."
"You don't know that." He said.
"She wont be with us anymore." She cried then after a few minutes she looked at him "I know a great idea. She knows us so well. After what she has went through putting her in a home where she don't know the people will be even more hard on her. How about we adopt her. We can keep her."
"You sure they would let us?"
"Why wouldn't they?"
"After our past things that's happened."
"That's our past, meaning before we were mature like we are now. We're a lot different now and we can show them that."
He smiles and nods "Okay let's do that. Let's try to adopt her. I mean she loves us and knows us and we love her. We've taken care of her so much that we know what she likes and doesn't like."
"Exactly." Jessica says happily.
"Then it's a done deal."
They then went to bed and figured it's another day tomorrow.
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I hope this one is a little longer. I had a big writers block on this one so sorry.