We Met at the Morgue

May 18th, 2009; Going to Hell

As Frank ran at an unbelievable speed I didn't really notice. Most people would be amazed at how the cars looked like blurs of light and the people looked like smugges that just raced by. Not me, not at this moment. My whole world was crashing again and the one they call God was laughing at me. Why would the clouds drift a part and give me it's warm raise for only a second and then bring me something worse than dark clouds, this was hail pouring down on me. Hail the size of baseballs were now being aimed at me. My whole world was now doing to hell and passing each circle. This would be the first circle I'm guessing, I think it's Lust, or is it the second circle? I may not know hell all that well, but I know the punishments. I found my love and he confessed his love to me, but now I feel as if my other love, my friend was swiped away from me by the evil winds of Hell's second circle.

I laid my head on Frank's back and not a word was spoken between us at all. So much apathy overwhelmed my mind and body. Must I take the good with the bad? Even if the bad overshadows the good? To receive you must give, but what if I give too much and my reward isn't fit for what I've done?

"We're here," Frank said. My mind was in a different place, but I could still hear him. I got off of his back and looked at our new location. A wide, two story house that was white with black shutters. The five windows in the front were covered with dark curtains, the tallest one which looked like the attic was covered with dark colored bed sheets. It had to be Frank's doing since he did the same to his bedroom windows when we were teenagers. The front was an oak color. A beautiful home, but the empty drive way and lack of a welcoming presence made it seems deserted.

"Home, Sweet, Home," Frank commented as he motioned me to follow him. He didn't need any keys, he just opened the door with a turn of a knob.

"You don't look the doors?" I asked in an emotionless tone.

"Not when someones here," He replied letting me in. The insides of the house was dark as they appeared to be. I couldn't see anything so the inside was a mystery.

"Can you turn on the lights?" I asked as I stumbled around.

"No, we're going to the basement so just hold my hand," Frank told me as he gently gripped my hand and led me to the basement. I tried my hardest not to trip or fall down the stairs. The lack of sight almost killed me because I stumbling with each step, but Frank made sure I didn't fall and break my neck. Each time I took a step and stumbled Frank would catch me. If I wasn't in such a shitty mood I'd blush and swoon and ask him to hold me in his big, strong arms. But no, today wasn't that type of day. I heard voice at the bottom asking a lot of questions. They belonged to the guys and one belonged to Dennis. His voice was panicked and upset. I finally saw a light in a small room in the basement which had a small bed, fit for one and all the guys surrounding it. I saw little I.V.'s hooked up to Dennis who was the one laying on the bed. It looked like a little hospital room, it was cold and smelt clean like a doctor's office.

"Look, there's Sadie. He keeps asking for you," Bob said with an angry tone. He moved me out of the way and walked out of the room.

"Ignore, Bob, he has anger issues," Frank told me. I could care less about another person's issues right now. I saw an IV bag that held a mix of a yellow, slimy liquid and blood.

"Sadie..." Dennis said quickly. His voice was so horsed from all the puking, but his smile spoke for him. "Where am I?" He asked in a whisper.

"I'm not sure, but you're safe," I told him as I held his hand.

"We're draining most of the venom out of his system the rest of it should die on it's own over night," Ray reassured me.

"What venom? Why won't you guys tell me anything!" Dennis yelled.

"Shh...it's okay. You're alright Dennis," I said trying to calm him down.

"Sadie, do you know what's going on?" He asked in a panicked voice.

"Not really," I answer with a truthful lie. I knew a little bit, but not enough to tell him. "But you can trust these guys, they'll make everything better, I promise," I told him. Next thing I knew Dennis was asleep. I looked up at Ray who had injected something into the IV filled with blood.

"I just sedated him, by tomorrow he'll be home and won't remember anything," Ray said pulling the needle out. I was happy that Dennis was alright, but pissed because Ray just knocked him out. At least he's okay, I guess.