We Met at the Morgue

May 18Th, 2009; Love in Misery

I gave Ray a death stare and felt my body fill with rage.

"Come on," Frank motioned me away from everyone else. I followed him into the darkness of the house once again and cursed all of their names in my head. Dennis was now laying on a makeshift hospital bet with I.V.'s attached to his sleeping body, he's confused, bitten by a vampire, has been puking up blood all night...I guess he deserves some rest. The walking seemed like it was taking forever and I was bumping into every little object that was in the house.

"Why don't you guys ever have lights on?" I asked as I rubbed my knee and tried to walk.

"So the neighbors don't know that we live here," Frank answered as he guided me up some stairs into the attic.

"They don't know that five werewolves live here? Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, they have their suspicions, but most of them are too dumb to realize," He answered as he shut a door behind me. "Watch your step here," He warned as we went up another flight of stairs. I didn't heed his warning and began to trip over almost every step. I hit my knees so many times I felt them swell with bruises.

"Ow, shit," I whined as I sat on a step and rubbed my knees.

"Why don't you ever listen to me? We've been up five steps and you fall and hurt something," Frank said. He picked me up in his arms and carried me the rest of the way. I crossed my arms and pouted. "You're the most bi-polar girl I've ever met. You're freaking out over zombies, then in love, then crying, in love again, crying again, scared, apathetic, and now pissed. It's only been like three hours," Frank continued. I continued to pout and get all pissy.

"It's all too much for me, Frank. You're back but you're a werewolf. You love me back but Dennis was bitten by a damn vampire, what's next?" I cried while he sent me down on his bed. It didn't have a frame, it was just two mattresses with sheets and blankets.

"We had to find you for a reason," Frank began.

"So it wasn't because you were in town and missed me?" I said back with an evil look.

"Of course I missed you," He said as he stroked my cheek lightly. "But there's another reason,"

"If it's bad, don't tell me," I snapped and laid down in his bed. I turned my back towards him and closed my eyes.

"Okay, I'll tell you tomorrow. Get some sleep and Dennis should be okay in the morning," Frank calmly said. He stroked my hair and let me sleep. I heard his footsteps leave the room and I turned back with my eyes opened. My eyes scanned the room as they adjusted to the dark. It looked like his old room. The walls were covered in posters of our favorite bands. Rancid, Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Aerosmith, Beastie Boys, and more. The floor was filled with shirts and pants so you couldn't see the floor boards anymore. He has a computer and a desktop on the right side of his bed a big open space. I turned myself back onto the bed but felt so uncomfortable in my clothes. This would be the worst time for Frank to walk in. I began to slip my pants off and unclasps my bra while still under my shirt. I took off my shirt as well very fearful that Frank would walk in at any time. I was naked with only white and pink, skull panties on. I looked on the floor for a big t-shirt that Frank might have, but I forgot that Frank is a small.

"Come on Frank, something, please," I begged the room to drop me some large t-shirt to sleep in. My face went pale and I began to blush when I heard someone behind me.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He asked. I turned around while covering my breasts with my arm. It was Gerard standing there laughing. He turned his back to me so he could look.

"I'm just looking for a shirt," I explained.

"So you take all your clothes off including your shirt? Smart," He continued to laugh. "Here," He said as he took off his shirt. He tossed it too me and told me to put it on. "Sorry for barging in though, I promise I didn't see anything," Gerard apologized. He has this look where he looks bad and stalker-ish, but he seems almost nice. I put on his large, black shirt. It smelt like coffee and cigarette smoke. I could bare with it for a night. I crawled back into the bed and wrapped myself tight in the blanket. I began to think of Gerard's features. I didn't see much of his chest, but his back was pale and well defined. He was sexy, if I may say. I laid my head down on the white pillow and drifted off to sleep. Hopefully

I would wake up in a dream.