We Met at the Morgue

May 22, 2009; Special Guests of the I Don't Wedding

Claud guided me through the golden hallways and corridors. I admired the pictures of Vampire Lords that have passed, Vincent, his family, Claud, Andre, Kennith, and other people I wasn't sure of. Claud would wipe away some tears that would escape my eyes. How can I say 'I do' to a man who I don't love?
"Don't cry, this is suppose to be the happiest day of a girl's life," Claud smiled at me.
"I'll just say that I know how Abigale felt when she had to marry that other man," I said as my voice cracked through the big lump in my throat. Claud was quiet and so was I. I attempted to hold back all the tears that I could and tried to remember how to breathe.
"Here you are," Claud said and opened giant, wooden, and gold doors that lead to a giant, round ballroom with mirrors for the ceiling and walls. The floor was marble and there were no windows. I looked ahead and saw hundreds of guests sitting on their benches that looked like church pews. Long rows that sat the undead guests by fifties or hundreds, I wasn't counting. I saw hundreds, mayble thousands of guests but when I would look at the mirrors for reflections I'd see no one besides me and five guests that sat in the front. I got my hopes up to think that it was Frank and the others, but I doubt it. Probably just people that Vincent could suck on later.
"Start walking, Madam," A servent ordered me in a whisper from beside Claud. I took in a deep breath as I followed the vampiric little girl who was tossing white and red rose petels at my feet. She was such a beautiful little girl. She was snow pale with short, brown curls. She turned to look at me with a fanged smile and crimson eyes. She was demonic and adorable. I just starred ahead, trying not to look at the undead groom in the black tuxido. My soon-to-be husband. I almost puked at the thought of it and my heart broke with it aswell. Why did I have to do all of that? The isle seemed to go on forever. I wished that it would go on forever so I would never have to stand up their with Monster Lord. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with this terrible beast of a person. He's not a person, he's not human. He's been stripped of all his humanity. Vincent is pure evil sent from Satan himself. These tears wouldn't hold themselve back. I heard some guests whisper to eachother, "She's so happy she's crying!"
"Oh what a beautiful bride! Vincent's a lucky man," One said.
"She's such a lucky woman to marry the Lord," Another said. I felt my heart pound out of my chest with rage. I wanted to snap at all of the guests and Vincent. I wanted to run and hide and die somewhere in a hole for all of the things I did to Frank. I fucked up everything I possably could in only one night. Unfortunatly the hisle way didn't go on forever as I hoped. The flower girl, dressed in a black and white dress, moved out of my way and I was hesatent to step up onto the stand with Vincent, but I did.
"You look beautiful," Vincent smiled. I kept quiet and sad. "Have you noticed our special guests?" Vincent pointed to the five men in the front. Frank! Gerard, Ray! Mikey and Bob! Oh my god. Happiness refilled my eyes and I was close to running to Frank's arms. None of them looked up at me, they all looked at their laps in shame. "They won't last long," Vincent said and the ceremony began. What did he mean!