Status: pretty much active but not so much regular updates

Everything I Ask For

Unexpected Visitor

I stumbled through the door, trying not to wake Alex up. Dara giggled, “Shh”
I laughed then covered my mouth. I turned on the living room light and Alex was sitting there. I jumped, “Hey”
He didn’t smile back, “Welcome back”
His tone was bitter, angry.
“What’s your problem?” I asked, Dara had disappeared into her bedroom. He got up, “What’s my problem? What’s your problem? You’re never around anymore. You’re always working or out with Dara or something”
“Yeah, it’s called having a social life. And I bet when im working or when im out having fun, your with Jack or some randomer you’ve met. Huh? Im right aren’t I?”
“No, actually. I hardly go see Jack because I’m too busy worrying about you. Wondering if you’ve gone and done something stupid and killed yourself”
I got pissed off then, “You don’t think I’m responsible? Get fucked Alex. I looked after everyone else more then myself so don’t try and talk to me about responsibility. I go out and have fun so I can forget all the things that’s wrong with me alright?”
His eyes narrowed, “You don’t even know what responsibility is? Your just an immature kid”
“Yeah a kid huh? You can talk. Drinking and sleeping around is responsible is it? Cause that’s all you seem to be good for”
He let out a deep breath and stormed off. I sat on the couch and stared at the wall. I heard the door slam and I sighed, putting my head in my hands. A few minutes later I felt Dara’s arms around me. I leant into her and she sighed, “It’ll be alright babe. Don’t worry. He’ll come around eventually.”
“I didn’t wanna fight. I’ve fucked it up again Ra.” I said quietly
“No you haven’t. Fights happen. They get fixed. Just like now. He’ll cool down and come back out here to sort it out”
I nodded lightly, “I hope so”

I was making coffee when I next saw Alex. He was already showered and dressed. He didn’t say hi. He just walked into the kitchen, got his wallet and keys and left. I sat down on the counter and sighed, wrapping my hands around the hot mug. I didn’t know where he was going or even if he was coming back. I called Hayley.
“Hello” she answered sleepily. I bit my lip. Taking notice of the time. 8:15am. Shit
“Sorry Hayles” I said miserably.
“No, no. What’s wrong?” she said, suddenly more awake
“Me and Alex got into a fight and he’s left. I donno where he is”
“When did he leave”
“About 10 minutes ago.” I said quietly.
She sighed and I heard rustling.
“I’ll call him and see where he is. Ok? Everything’ll be fine”
I’ve heard that so often but instead I said, “Ok. Thanks”
She hung up and I sighed again. Maybe this wasn’t the best thing. I loved him and all but somehow I knew it wasn’t gonna work. I sat on the counter for another half hour until Dara came out, looking tired still.
“Your up early” I noted
She yawned, “Yeah. Ollie woke me up”
I smiled, “What’s wrong now?”
“He wants me to pick him up from the airport”
I laughed, “Did you even know he was coming?”
“Nope” she said, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee.
“Lovely” I laughed again. Her little brother was around my age and he was usually a pretty good kid but he was kinda spur-of-the-moment kinda kid so he just shows up at places whenever he feels like it.
“I’ll go get him” I told her, grabbing my car keys. She sat down on the bar stool, “Thank you sooo much Stace”
“It’s all good” I told her, walking out the door. I needed a distraction anyway.

“Hey Ollie. How’s it going?” I smiled.
He laughed, “Wow, you’re starting to sound like an Aussie again”
I smiled, “Thank god. I was beginning to miss that weird way of talking”
He laughed, “Smart ass. So, where’s Ra?”
“At home. You woke her up and plus she’s a little hung over so not a good combination”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah. All ways drinking that one is”
I chuckled, “Your telling me.”
I helped him get his bags into my car and we started driving towards home.
“So, how’s school?”
“Sucks” he grinned wickedly. I made a face then laughed, “I bet she does. How is she anyway?”
“Pretty good. She didn’t want me to go but you know… needed a break. Mum and Dad are at it again and… yeah just stuff’s happened”
I nodded, knowing exactly what he’s going through.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay update :)

So how have you guys been? It'd be nice to have good news once in a while
All i'm hearing on the news is floods, floods, fire, missing people, and more floods...jeeze Australia, get it together...

So it was my friends birthday the otherday and i bought her The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy and Other Stories, and i gave it to her and she squealed and jumped and hugged, and was just happy in general causeshe loves Tim Burton...but then forgets it in my bag... i got home, found it and facepalmed, i swear shes worse than me sometimes...but i still love her :)

Haha i'll shut up now cause god knows you dont wanna hear my ramblings

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