Status: pretty much active but not so much regular updates

Everything I Ask For

Maybe Later

“How’s Em?” I heard Josh ask. Zac didn’t say anything.
“Oh? You fighting again?”
Still nothing.
“What over this time?”
“Why Stace?” Josh asked. I felt like I was intruding. I walked away and had a shower. I did what I had to do and got out. I got dressed in black skinny’s and an old My Chemical Romance shirt. I brushed the tangles outta my damp black hair and did my makeup. I walked out and into Alex.
“Ow shit. Sorry” I muttered, looking up.
“Don’t you look different” he commented
“Shut the fuck up”
“Not a morning person hey?”
“I’m warning you”
“It’s okay. It’ll take a while to get used to my awesomess” he laughed
“That’s it” I said, walking to the kitchen and getting a meat hammer. Why we have them I have no idea. I walked back into the hallway and Alex saw me and ran.
“Hayley. Control your bitch” He yelled. Oh, that made me snap.
“ALEX FUCKING GASKARTH GET HERE NOW!” I yelled. He ran and jumped into his bunk, shutting the curtain. I ripped it open and he looked up and me, “Don’t kill me”
“I warned you Gaskarth” Josh smirked, walking past.
Alex muttered something that sounded like ‘fuck you’
He looked up at me and smiled nervously, “I love you?”
Nice try buddy.
“Nope. Not gonna work” I said, swinging the hammer. He screamed like a girl and I stopped before it hit his face.
“Oh my god. Did you seriously think I was gonna hit you with a hammer?”
“Yes” he mumbled,
“No, I’d much rather do this” I said, poking him in the eye.
“OW you little-” he started but stopped himself, “Ow fuck”
“Damn straight” I said, walking off. Alex was still complaining an hour later. I slapped the back of his head, “Get over it”
“Make me” he retorted
“Real mature Alex” I laughed. I walked off and Hayley followed.
“I think Stacey has a cruuuush” she sung. I slapped her and she chuckled, “Stacey likes Alex”
“Hush. I do not”
“Lies” she said as Alex walked in.
“What’s lies?” he asked, lost
“Nothing” I said quickly, shooting a look at Hayley. He frowned but shrugged it off. He walked away.
“Where’s the rest of the idiots?” he asked
“Out getting food”
“Nice of them to let me know” he muttered, walking away. I smiled and Hayley grinned, “Oh you like Alex”
“No” I said straight away
“Lies. I’ve known you since I was born. You can’t lie to me honey”
“Damn right” she grinned, walking away.
Guess she got me there

“Can I sleep with you? I had nightmares” Alex grinned from his bunk. I sighed, “Alex, you aren’t 4”
“So? Still works don’t it” he smiled. God damn that attractiveness.
I sighed and he got up quietly. Everyone else was asleep. I moved over and he layed down.
“Hello again” he muttered, still smiling.
I rolled my eyes, “Don’t even try Gaskarth”
“Who said I was trying anything? I wouldn’t do that to you” he said innocently.
“Sure. I’ll believe that when I see it” I mumbled, rolling over, “Shut up and sleep”
“Yes mom” he replied cheekily, snaking his arms around my waist. I looked down but shrugged it off. I closed my eyes and felt him get closer.
“Do I have to warn you again?” I mumbled, half asleep.
“Yes” he whispered. I smiled, “Go to sleep Alex”
He chuckled and rested his head on the top of my back, “Night Stace”
“Night Alex”
“Love you”
“Nice try”
“Damn” he mumbled. I yawned and fell asleep. I was awoken by some one yelling, “Yo! You seen Alex?”
I opened my eyes and looked up, jumping slightly. Alex was looking at me smiling.
“Fuck” I groaned. His arms were around me and I was curled up in his chest.
“No thanks. Maybe later” he said, chuckling
I slapped his arm.
“Has any one seen my best friend?” I heard Jack half yell
“Checked Stace’s bunk?” I head Josh call. Fuck, I’ma kill him. Alex jumped out before Jack walked into the bunks.
“Dude, where have you been?”
“You don’t look wet”
”Umm. Hair dryer”
“Oh. Ok”
I laughed silently and got up.
♠ ♠ ♠
hahaha see im updating more often *nod* now where are my comments *narrows eyes*