The New Girl


Today I woke up with my clock reading 6:30 A.M. Why is the world was I getting up at 6:30?! I had no one to impress, after all, I'd just be hiding my face behind a book all day. Figuring I could just use the extra on reading a book, I got up. First, I brushed my buttery blond hair that smelled like apples into a ponytail. Wait a sec! WHEN was my hair nice and smooth? WHEN did it smell like apples? I smiled happily to myself. Maybe God decided to give me a break on my frizzy hair that took forever to put into a ponytail, so I usually just let it hang. Next I pulled on my math club shirt, the one with fractions and multiplication problems all over it. Then I pulled on my bell bottom jeans. They were comfy, but not in style. I didn't care, nobody knew me or talked to me. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Sweetie, no makeup today? And your bell bottoms? What's this occasion?" my mother asked, a confused expression on her face. "No occasion mom, I've always worn this kind of outfit. Do you need any oran-" Oaf! I slammed into the refrigerator. Guess I forgot to put on my glasses. I grabbed them off the kitchen counter and put them on. "Mom, I'm just going to go to school, you know, to go to the library and stuff." I said goodbye, grabbed my back pack and lunch, and walked out the door.
When I walked into school, everyone was staring at me. Wow, that's strange. No one ever really does more than glance at me. I soon saw Aubrey and her group. Hopefully they'll ignore me today. Today was so great so far, so I don't want them to bully me. "Hey Fi!' Aubrey called. I was confused. Why is she calling me Fi? We're not friends, she bullies me! I'll just have to face her. "Hi Aubrey,' I said quietly. "Why are you dressed like a dork today?" Henley asked. Then it all came back to me. This was my new school! I was popular! I was supposed to dress cool at all times! Oh crap, oh crap, oh-Then it came to me-LIE!
"At my old school, this is how we dressed," I said, trying to act like everything was alright. "Well, then your old school had zero fashion sense," said Aubrey, annoyed. Henley snorted. I rolled my eyes. "I know, right? I just wanted to show you what dorks they were. You guys are SO much cooler." Aubrey smiled. "That's what I thought," she said, uncrossing her arms and putting her hands on her hips. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was thisclose to losing my status. And I dodged it.
"So," said Aubrey casually, "what school DID you used to go to? You never got around to telling us." I decided to tell the truth. After all, honesty is the best policy, right? "I went to Bentley High School. In Chicago?" I said, making it a question after seeing the confusion on their faces. Aubrey then looked like she remembered something. Her face lit up. "Oh! Then you'll know my cousin, Jordan Hoffstedder. She was really popular, too. Remember her?" How could I NOT remember her? She bullied me every day! Of course she and Aubrey were cousins, they both had the same personality. I acted confused. "Hmm..Nope, I don't remember her. At all. Maybe you got the school wrong, huh?" I said quickly, trying to make this blow over. "Here, I'll ask her. We're really tight. I'll even call her right now," Aubrey quickly replied, as if onto something. I tried to stop her when it hit me. AUBREY KNEW! Of course she knew! She had to have, right? Or else she wouldn't act so..mean.
I gulped. Jordan answered quickly. "Hey Aub!" she said sweetly. I remembered her voice perfectly. "Girls, say hi to Aubrey!" she commanded. "Hi Aubrey!" three girls chorused whose voices I remembered. Nicole, Janie, and Adriana. My stomach tied in knots and I tried not to puke. "So, Aub, what's up?" Jordan said, suddenly all business. "You don't call me at school unless it's important. Wait, don't tell me, you got another modeling job!" Jordan said, suddenly happy. Did I ever tell you how often she switches moods? Well, yeah, she does that a lot.
"No," said Aubrey, irritated. "Oh, then what is it?" Jordan said quickly, sensing Aubrey was mad. "You'll never guess who's at our school!" said Aubrey. "It's...FIONA MONTGOMERY!" said Aubrey, obviously expecting Jordan to be gushing with happiness to hear about her "old friend". "Um, who's Fiona Montgomery?" said Jordan, confused. Of course she couldn't remember my name, even though she used to bully me. "Wait..frizzy blond hair, glasses?" said Jordan, remembering. "No..." said Aubrey slowly. She mouthed," You have A LOT to explain," to me. I gulped. "Oh, did she try to CHANGE?" Jordan said nastily. "I remember that girl! She was a total loser! The girls and I made fun of her every day! So, what do you guys do o her? Does she actually have friends?"
Suddenly, Jordan was bursting with questions. I gulped even harder. "I'll talk to you later Jor, 'kay?" said Aubrey quickly, embarrassed to believe she thought I was cool. She hung up the phone and looked at me straight in the eye."We're NOT hanging out anymore," she said through clenched teeth. Finally, what I had been gulping before had come up. I puked-all over Aubrey's shoes.
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SO sorry I haven't written in awhile. I'll try to keep you updated, one a month. I told you this story would be on the backburner to my main story. Sorry it has to be this way,though. Keep reading and subscribing!