Status: Still being written, going to update it every once in a while when I improve it.

The New World Order

Chapter 2 (Treachery)

I spent several days alone in the trenches with the Templar Vampires, learning about how each of them were converted; how the unit started, and many other tales of the Vampires, and their relations with the Templar knights hundreds of years before.
Eiko, not surprisingly, was the oldest of this unit. And was the only one in the group that was in the original unit of Templar Vampires those centuries ago.
He, among other vampires, had lived in Old England their entire lives. And realizing their immortality could come to good use, joined the Templar Knights. And within little time, got to the highest ranks available, due to their impossibility to die as well their natural speed and heightened senses allowing for perfect sword-craft.
These vampire units, just like any other army, marched on their stomachs. Or fangs in their case. And so, as they travelled, the vampires bit humans and drank their blood, and so were often converted. Increasing the ranks of the units. Until there were full vampire armies marching the Holy Lands, cutting down full Saracen armies. It was because of this, that people started paying attention to these units. And smaller Saracen units were trained to kill vampires. These units are still trained today, and were also in the trenches of my beginning vampire days. Although not Saracen any more.

I had been talking to the Templars about this when the original troops from this trench returned, having realized that there were no signs of an enemy Russian occupation.
Immediately my old friends noticed a difference in me. Especially in the people, or beings, that I spent my time with. And they made a point of saying this, and of telling me that they were no good. Eiko in particular.
I denied this every time they tried telling me. It wasn’t until one day that I was feeding on a small set of blood packs with Eiko that I began to believe them.
I was sat with a blood pack pushed to my lips, and Eiko with a blood pack to his lips also. When the closest of my old friends, Jacob, entered the dugout in mid-feed. He said nothing, but immediately span on his heels and began to run towards the main trench for help.
“Jacob!” I yelled after him, leaping off my seat and towards the exit of the dugout. I noticed as I did this that Eiko had already gone, and was several meters ahead of me with his sword drawn.
“NO!” I screamed, leaping forward several seconds too late. Eikos’ blade swept through Jacobs throat, with the sword washed off and sheathed before I had even got there.

A feral snarl ripped through me as I leapt at Eiko with my sword drawn. He turned and drew his blade moments too slowly. I swung underneath him and brought the blade into his stomach, which spewed out a large amount of near black blood.
Within moments, all of the other Templars were around me with their swords drawn. Including Eiko, who I had almost forgotten would be impossible to kill.
I shifted my stance into my own custom sword style, which had me near crouched into the sodden ground below me, and waited for one of them to leap on me. This didn’t happen though. I just stood, listening to the snarls around me, and feeling the anticipation of the fight to come. With this, I got sick of waiting and leapt forward and pushed my sword into the point where the heart should be on a human, unsure of whether vampires had hearts. Which it seemed they did, as the seemingly middle aged man who I had attacked fell back with his sword into the ground and stopped moving.
There was silence for an unbearably long time, this was left uninterrupted by nothing but silence for some time yet. Until I slowly stepped over the vampire corpse and took the cruel blade in my hands, now holding two swords I altered my stance to compensate for the extra weight. And prepared for the onslaught to come.