Left Me Standing Here

Not Again

My best friends..the boys whom I grew up with; leaving once again..I would not see them for a while,life was so unfair.I was crying silently,kicking a pebble,walking to the place where I would go when I'm upset and want some peace and quiet.It was me and Nick's spot. It was pouring rain but I didn't care..I sat down on the wet bench and let the rain overcome my anger and sadness. "Ally please." I turned around and found Nick standing there with red puffy eyes and a red cheek..you see I overreacted and slapped him across the face.His whole body was getting wet and I was getting wet but nobody moved.Instead we stared at each other.He then took one step forward and I growled,making him flinch. "Ally we're both going to get sick." He whispered reaching out his hand,I turned the other way. "Leave me alone Nicholas." I snapped.Instantly guilt washed over me,why was I being such a bitch? He walked towards me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed so loud that I got some guy in a car passing by's attention. "NICK LET ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" He just kept walking however which made me even more angry.We got home and Nick set me down carefully then I got attacked by my mother into a hug. "Oh honey where were you,you got me so worried." Her tone was soft and filled with sadness so I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry mom." She nodded and left into the kitchen,I turned around and glared at Nick. "I want you to get out of my house,I never want to see you again!" Hurt flashed across his face but I didn't care. "If that's what you want Ally..then I will grant your final wish.." He whispered before opening my door and walked out. I stomped upstairs,obviously still in a bad mood and hopped in my shower.I had so much on my mind,about what just happened with Nick and such but when the warm hot water hit me,i immediately felt relaxed..after wards I got dressed in some warm fuzzy pajamas and climbed into bed..today has been a long day and I was ready to sleep. But then my cell phone chimed and I grabbed it,one new text message from Nick. "Ally please I'm very sorry I just wanted you to know as soon as I knew it was official,please don't be mad,I still have a month here and in that month we could make the best of it." It said and a small smile was playing on my lips..I texted back. "Nick I'm super sorry for being such a brat,I really am..I know it is your career and I had no right to be mad about that..so sorry and goodnight Jonas."
I set the phone down on my table and fell asleep immediately.
Nick's point of view.
I got her text and immediately my lips broke out into a wide grin..knowing she was no longer mad at me..that was what I wanted.
"Yo Nick bro what are you so smiley and giggly about?" Asked my older brother Joe. He was really immature as most of you know but he gave out good advice when it came to dating. "Also is Ally still mad at us?" I shook my head no. "Why do you think I'm so excited." "Um cause we're going on tour,hello!? Who wouldn't be excited for tour." Hearing that come out of his mouth made me even happier..I loved touring..I loved playing music..I loved seeing our fans get so excited and energetic for us..one downside to tour however..I hated leaving my best friend Ally..the girl who can make my heart speed up by just saying a simple word like "Hi",weird right? Well I'm going to keep my emotions to myself because obviously she doesn't feel the same way so why bother...but then I should try shouldn't I? No,no nick I'm not going to risk getting my heart broken again..Then I went into my room and fell asleep,dreaming about Ally..my everything.
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