Left Me Standing Here

Oh My God He's In Love With Me

During the next few days,Nick,Joe,and Kevin tried as hard as possible to never leave my side until they go on tour,which was very overwhelming considering when you change in the bathroom they'll be waiting for you right outside the door..it's like they're stalking me but I could see them. "Okay guys I know you're going on tour and such but no need to act like you're obsessed with me." Here's the freaky thing,they had the upcoming days planned out too...today we would be going to the mall,tomorrow we'd be having a music day at home where we write songs and add music and stuff..then it goes on.. "You ready to go to the mall my dear?" Joe asked in a freaky father voice. I nod,I wasn't a huge fan of shopping but I didn't hate it either. Kevin drove us to the mall and we went in,me immediately going to the nearby Starbucks while Joe and Nick argued over shoes..boys will be boys.
Nick's p.o.v.
I saw Ally walk to Starbucks like it was a casual thing..why did Joe and Kevin have to follow us everywhere I wanted to spend alone time with Ally. "So bro..." Joe started and I stared at him like he was an idiot. "Aren't you going to finish your sentence?" I intrigued, he gave me a fake smile and said "You like Ally don't you?" You see,if you knew my brothers,you would know they/d make fun of you if you tell them your emotions..this is why I never tell them,i mean I would rather tell my parents...I looked at Joe and hurt was clearly evident in his eyes. Uh oh..I said that part out loud didn't I? "Nick...I'm sorry if you think we make fun of you for real..you're our little brother and we just made fun of you and stuff..I want you to know you can come to me and Kevin for anything..I don't want you to think that you'd have to tell mom and dad because if you tell us we'd make fun of you.." And with that he turned around and walked towards Starbucks..damn me and my stupid mouth..Kevin walked in eying me suspiciously. "Why did Joe walk away from you?" Quick Nick think of a lie,come on any lie.. "Um he said he wanted starbucks.." Kevin nodded. "Speaking of which I want some too." And with that I ran off,it was odd because I don't even like Starbucks..but once I entered I regret doing so because I saw my everything kissing my brother but then she shoved him off.. "JOE WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" She ran off and I chased after her,of course after I slapped Joe across the face. "ALLY WAIT!!" She turned around and slowed down for me.
Ally's point of view.
I heard Nick chasing after me,which made me smile to know he cares..he yelled out my name and I turned around,I immediately stopped running..he walked up to me and wrapped his strong muscular arms around me. "It's okay,Joe's an idiot.." Again guilt flashed over me,know why? Because I kissed him back...this will probably hurt Nick if I told him..it would probably hurt him more if I didn't.. "Um Nick....he's not the only idiot.." His eyes widen.. "Oh my god you enjoyed his kiss.." "NICK I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" "Then what did you mean..you kissed back didn't you?" "Um sort of ya.." I sort of questioned and stated..anger flashed in his eyes.. "Wow..I am so speechless.." He said slowly and pulled away from me..his eyes were dead cold and harsh... "And to think all this time I thought you liked me...do you know,Ally that it is so hard for me to stand here and watch you date guys then end up heartbroken? Do you know that? I'm the one to comfort you..I cradle you in my arms and I enjoy doing it because all this time Allyssa Miller...I am in love with you.." He spun around and stormed off..my heart cracked a bit knowing I caused him so much pain without me realizing it..my intention was to never hurt him but I failed big time didn't I? I chased after him and he stopped and spun around. "Ally don't even bother..I don't give a damn anymore...I'm not going to be there for you comforting you through your heart breaks when my heart is breaking as well! God damn it Ally I made it so obvious didn't I? I made it so obvious,that an idiot like Joe figured it out,and yet you couldn't. So just leave me alone..." He started running away from me and a wave of tears sprang to my eyes and I let them fall freely..I just lost Nick Jonas because I was a selfish inconsiderate brat who didn't care about anyone else's feeling but mine..and that's why Nick Jonas was heartbroken..oh my god.