Left Me Standing Here

Our Friendship Is Over,Officially

So like Nick stated,he ignored me..it has been two weeks which means two more weeks until he leaves..Joe has been trying to apologize to me constantly but I will not and I repeat will not forgive him until Nick forgives me. Kevin has been giving me some great advice..at least one of the three is treating me like normal..I was over at the Jonas household in the basement with Kevin,I wrote a new song and was adding some music to it when Nick walks down. "Hey Kev um I he-" but then he turned around and saw me,he narrowed his eyes at me and his eyebrows scrunched up. "Why is she here Kevin!?" Tears sprang to my eyes again..he really do hate me..Kevin shook his head. "Nick,maybe,you should know that just because you and her aren't the best of friends right now,doesn't mean she can't come over,maybe I,mom,dad,FRANKIE wants her to come over? God how selfish can you get?" Nick mumbled something and stormed upstairs and Kevin immediately came and pulled me into a big bear hug. "It's okay he's just being an idiot.." "Kev...I can..I can't come here anymore.." Kevin's eyes went wide. "NO PLEASE tell me you are not letting that curly idiot get to you.." No matter how upset I was,I let out a giggle at how he calls his brother curly idiot instead of Nick..my giggle made him smile.
"Ally,you and him..you guys need to talk it out,right now." I shook my head no,me and Nick were equally as stubborn. I was about to say something when Nick walked down,rubbing the back of his neck.Kevin shoved me forward and I glared at him. "Ally.." he whispered,his eyes gazing all over my face trying to read my expression which was probably blank. "OKAY I AM TRYING BUT YOU'RE NOT EVEN SPEAKING." He suddenly yelled,throwing his hands up in the air frustrated. "I-I'm sorry Nick.." He sighed and grabbed my hand,well more like yanked my hand to follow him upstairs,when we entered his room I was pretty shocked,papers were everywhere and his room was a mess for the first time since ever. "Ignore my room I know it's messy but.." I looked at him giving him a signal to continue. He took in a deep breath.. "I know I said I'm in love with you Ally,I still am..but I really don't think we can ever be anything more then friends,because you clearly don't feel the same way..but..I don't want to go on a 4 month tour knowing we're not speaking so..I guess..I'm sorry.." I looked at him,tears streaming down my cheek and he walked out,frustrated again..5 minutes later he walked back in and bend down in front of me,he gently stroke his thumb over my cheek,wiping my tears away. "Are you going to keep crying or are you going to say something?" "Ya..I'm going to say something..something like this: Nick you are so damn wrong if you think I don't feel the same way as you,I've been waiting for you..for like couple years now,seeing if you would ever drop a hint that you feel the same but yeah you're right this will never work out...we can't even be friends anymore Nick.." I walked out of his room,regretting what I just said because I let anger took over..we could so be friends but I just killed any chance I had left to be friends with him..I sighed and went into the kitchen and saw Joe sitting there eating a sandwich. "Joe.." He turned around,his eyes were red and puffy and a tear stained cheek..god I should just kill myself if all I'm going to be good for is to cause my best friends pain. He continued to stare me down and I finally spoke.. "I forgive you.." His jaw dropped,obviously shocked. "Y-You do? Y-You really do??" I nod and he ran over to me and attacked me in a bear hug. "Oh my god!! THANK YOU!! I WILL NOT SCREW THIS UP AGAIN!" I nod,figuring that I should at least befriend one of them. Kevin walked in,giving me a hand signal to follow him,I did,out to the backyard. "So,how'd it go?" "It didn't..I screwed it up Kevin oh my god." "Al,it'll be okay,I promise you,now tell me what did you say to him?" I took a deep breath and told him everything,not leaving a single detail out. By the time I was done,his jaw dropped in either shock or amazement. "Are you shocked or amazed?" I asked him,he chuckled. "I'm amazed and shocked..amazed because you actually had the guts to stand up to him,shocked because well of what you said." He mumbled,I threw my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder,him rubbing circles on my back the whole time.
Nick's p.o.v.
I stood there,frozen in the middle of my room..hearing what just came out of Ally's mouth.To be honest I wasn't angry,I knew I was at fault,I wanted so badly to make things right between us again,I finally got over the shock and went downstairs.I saw Joe eating a sandwich and grinning widely. "What are you so happy about?" I growled,I was in a bad mood,he turned around and jumped,clutching his chest. "Whoa you scared me." I had to admit it was pretty funny so I chuckled. "Anyways I'm very happy because Ally forgave me." This pissed me off even more,she forgived him but not me.I walked outside and saw Kevin and her hugging..she was crying and Kevin was rubbing circles on her back,I immediately tensed up because she didn't come to me when she had her issues,she always went to Kevin. I groaned quietly and stormed inside,Joe was gone but I saw my mom humming and cooking something.
"Hey Nick." Then she looked at me and gasped. "Darling what's wrong?" I mumbled quietly. "What?" she asked. "Ally." I repeated. "What about her?" "It's just..we're in a humongous fight..I stated that I was in love with her..actually I still am..and today I talked to her saying that all we'll ever be is just friends because she doesn't feel the same way and she said she does and repeated that we couldn't even be friends..but then now I found out from Joe that she forgave Joe and not me.." My mom wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. "What did Joesph do?" "He kissed her that day so that's how our fight started..well I wasn't mad at her but then she told me she kissed back.." My mom sighed and took off her apron. "Look Nicholas,you two,you're both stubborn..and you got into many big fights before this one..but you two always work it out.." Then Ally stormed in and slammed the door glaring at me. "NICHOLAS JERRY JONAS WE NEED TO FUCKING TALK..LIKE RIGHT NOW!." My mom looked so scared that she couldn't even tell Ally not to swear..I was scared too,it wasn't like her to cuss and when she does,it means she's furious..even angrier then that." Kevin walked in,past me and whispered "Beware Nick,she's super mad.." I wanted to know why but I reluctantly followed her into the basement and she pointed at the chair in front of my eyes. "Sit." I sat down and she sighed. "HOW..COULD YOU! GO AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD..AND SPREAD RUMORS ABOUT ME!!!!" So I admit to that,I was angry and I wanted to hurt her the way she hurt me.. "How'd you know about that?" She went bug eyed. "SO YOU FUCKING ADMIT YOU DID THIS?" I nod,scared out of my mind. "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT!! I KNOW I BROKE YOUR HEART AND I'M SORRY BUT CAN'T YOU SEE NOW THE PRESS IS NOT GOING TO LEAVE THIS ALONE.." Want to know what rumors I spread of her? That she's a terrible friend,she's fat,ugly,and stuff..I was beyond wrong but when I was angry I couldn't control myself..the paparazzi was standing by the tree whistling as I walked by so I gave him something to talk about..she slammed the J-14 magazine down on the table...on the covers it said "ALLY MILLER: A Terrible best friend to the Jonas,page 54." I quickly turned to page 54. "According to the youngest member of the band Jonas Brothers..Nick has stated some pretty nasty stuff about their best friend Ally Miller..his exact words were "She's just a stupid brat who doesn't care about anyone but herself,she isn't even all that,she just think she is..I don't see why we're even friends.." I went wide eyed. "Oh so you don't see huh? Fine,our friendship Nicholas Jerry Jonas..is officially over!" She stormed out of the basement and I buried my head into my hands,silently crying..boy I went too far.
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