Left Me Standing Here

Brotherly Moment

The guys left and once again I'm alone..I'm sitting at home with my baby sister Breanne,she's 6 and she's super cute and smart,no I'm not just saying that.My parents were once again out of town so I'm on babysitting duty..the articles were still bashing on me thanks to Nick even though Nick already told the press he didn't mean a word he said about me so they took it the wrong way and said that all the good things he said about me,he didn't mean it either..it's clearly obvious this whole issue is frustrating not only me but Nick as well but I could care less,he started this. I was in my room reading a book when my cell chimed. "Hey smexii what are you doing? -Joe-" I giggled and quickly replied back, "Not much,reading a book you?"
Not more then 2 seconds later my cell phone blared. "Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine,so won't you fly...with me?" What,so I love their song,fly with me,sue me. I pressed answer and pressed it against my ear. "Yo Ally here." I heard chuckling on the other end. "Allyssa I'm super duper bored come rescue me from this hell." "Aw come on Joey you love tour." "Yes I do,not when I'm sitting here listening to Nick wallow about how his life is so horrible and Kevin keeps strumming his freaking guitar god." "Wait wait wait,wallow? Why?" "BECAUSE YOU'RE FREAKING FURIOUS WITH HIM,NOT SPEAKING TO HIM CAN'T YOU SEE THAT IT'S TEARING HIM APART ON THE INSIDE!? STOP BEING SO GOD DAMN STUBBORN AND SPEAK TO HIM!" I was shocked,Joe never yelled,not at me anyways..I tried to come up with a response but Joe already hung up on me..how rude. I called Nick. "Ally?" His voice was tired and groggy,obvious he's been crying. "Ya Nick.." "thank god you called me,I have to apologize,about ever- " "No,Nick,no I'm going to apologize,and you're going to listen whether you like it or not..I already said our friendship was over,officially,but you know I would never mean it..I still like miss you as a friend..and..maybe I'm sorry for overreacting all those times..so maybe..we could forget about everything and start over?" I asked with hope in my voice. "YA Ally that'd be terrific." I smiled then I realized what the heck he can't see. "Okay,cool,Nick I got to go..Bre is being a pain in the ass." He chuckles. "How? She's six." "Whining,crying,milk...want me to go on? I could go all day! Anyways,bye." "Bye Al." I smiled at my nickname,I hung up and walked downstairs.
Joe's p.o.v.
I called Ally..then I snapped,what a great friend I am..I didn't even give her a chance to talk back..god..Nick runs in with a wide grin on his face which caused me to grin even if I was in a bad mood before. "Hey fro bro what you so smiley about?" "Me and Ally are friends again!" I smiled even bigger,i guess she finally listened to my advice...-sighs- "That's fantastic!"
Nick eyed me suspiciously.."Is something going on Joe?" I shook my head no,then I started laughing. "You know I always knew you weren't normal." He said and chuckled.I glared at him and he threw his hands up in the air for defense. "Hey I'm stating the truth here,no need to give me the look." I ruffled his hair and he groaned.We had a brother moment..right there
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Sigh,sorry for sucky ending..this is like a little bit to tell you what's going on in the story right now..I ono I promise I will post more soon,but I'd appreciate it if you comment :]