You Better Pray


~*Zacky's P.O.V.*~

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my room which was filled with boxes which still contained half of my stuff. We just moved her over the weekend and I already have to go to school. I wasn't looking forward to it though. I didn't like school and I never will. I already knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a guitarist. I got out of bed and got ready for school. With in five minutes I was ready.I went out to my car and took off for Huntington High.

Once I got there I went to the office and got my schedule and went to my first class, which was art. I walked in and saw only a few people, mostly just the popular type but someone caught my eye. There was a girl in the back by the window with her hood over her head and headphones in her ears. She was all alone. I felt kinda bad for her. I walked to the back and sat down next to her. She looked up and made a weird face and took out one of her headphones.

"Yes?" she asked in a quiet shy tone.

"Hi, I'm Zack Baker, I just moved here and I don't know anyone so I though you looked kinda lonely so I decided to sit next to you."

"Oh." With that she put her headphone back in and continued looking out the window. I sighed and looked at the door when I heard people coming into the room. A guy with a nose ring and black hair walked into the room. he looked toward me and the girl for a second and continued walking but then he shot his head back to us in disbelief.

"Hey, new kid, come here for a second." the dude said motioning for me to go over to him. I got up and did as he told me.

"Yeah?" I asked a little skeptical.

"What are you doing over there?" He asked.

"Just sitting, I tried talking to her but she just said two words to me. Wait, is she your girlfriend cause if she is then I'm sorry dude I had no idea."

"There is no way in hell I would date her." I gave him a confused look and he understood that I didn't know where he was going with this. "Eliza Bailey doesn't talk to anyone. Wait, did you say before that she talked to you?" He had a bewildered look on his face.

"yeah, why?"

"Those must be the first words she has ever spoken in school. Do you have some kind of power that makes mutes talk?" I gave him a weird look and then looked at her. She was staring right back at me until she noticed I was looking back at her then she looked back out the window. "By the way, I'm Brian."

"Zack." I simply said still starring at her. I was curious about her.
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