You Better Pray

Truth Or Dare With A Twist

"So, what should we do now?" I asked Matt. He hadn't left yet, so I was getting pretty bored.

"Wanna call the guys and Robyn over?" He asked.

"Yeah, but just them. I don't like parties." I stated as I handed him the phone. "I'll go get Zacky." I said standing up. I stretched and my shirt went up a little. I sighed as I started my way over to Zacky's house. Once there I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to answer the door. A woman who looked like she could be in her late thirties answered the door.

"Why hello dear, how can I help you?" She had a kind smile on her features. I knew she was Zacky's mom.

"Hi Mrs. Baker, is Zacky home?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yes he is, he's in his room. I'll go get him." I nodded and waited.

~*Zacky's Point Of View*~

I was on my bed listening to The Misfits. I heard the door bell go off but I though nothing of it. It was probably just a salesman. I thought to myself. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and my door opened. My mom stuck her head in.

"Zacky, there's a nice girl at the door for you." My mom said. She then came into my room and sat down on the bed. "I like her, she's very sweet and polite, unlike that other girl you brought over, what was her name again?"

"Gena mom, Gena."

"Oh right, I didn't like her too much. She wore clothes that barely covered anything and she was very rude. Now the girl downstairs it just what you need. Nice, polite and doesn't wear skimpy clothes."

"I know mom, I know." I said rolling my eyes. I got off my bed and went downstairs. I walked to the door and saw her sitting on the steps that led up to my door. Her head was on her knees as she looked down the street.


~*Veronica's Point Of View*~

I turned my head and looked at him. A large grin stretched across my face as I saw him. I know I'm setting myself up for heartbreak, but I couldn't help it anymore. I no longer had control over my feelings.

"Hi." I smiled. "They guys are coming over and I wanted to know if you wanted to."

"Yeah sure." He smiled. "Hey mom, I'm going over to Veronica's house." He shouted into the
his house.

"Okay dear, have fun!" She shouted back.

"Your mom is very nice." I smiled at him. He nodded and we started to walk back to my house.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Zacky asked as we sat on my couch.

"Well, I called the guys and they're bringing beer." Matt replied. "Are you going to drink?" Matt asked me.

"No, I don't like to drink." They both looked at me like I was crazy.

"What are you talking about?"]

"I drink once in a while, but only when I feel like doing so. Besides, I hate beer. It tastes nasty." I said making a face. They both nodded and I got up and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, trying to see if there was anything good in it. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"What do you want?" I asked expectantly. There was no reply, there was only soft kisses on my neck. I turned my head and saw Matt.

"Matt, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Trying to get Zacky jealous. He will want you." He said and continued kissing my neck.

"I doubt he even would want me." I whispered.

"That's not true, I want you."

"But I thought that you said-"

"I lied."

Crap! What did I get myself into!?

"Well, just get off for now, I'm hungry and I want chicken rigatoni."

"You make that?" He asked taking his hands away from my waste and peered into the fridge. I laughed and pulled it out. I opened it and started putting it in the bowl.

"Zacky, do you want some food?" I called out. He ran in and looked at me.

"What kind of question is that? I'm a guy!" I laughed and filled another bowl.

"Do you guys want it heated up?" I asked. They nodded so I put them in the microwave. Once it was done I took them out, set a fork into each bowl and gave it to them. Then I got a bowl out for myself and filled it. Then I put the pot back into the fridge. I sat down and started eating.

"Why didn't you heat yours up?" Zacky asked me.

"I like it better cold." I replied while eating. He then stuck a fork into my bowl and stole a noodle.

"It does taste better cold." He mused. Then Matt stole a noodle.

"Holy shit it does!"

"Hey! Eat your own noodles! Wow, that didn't sound right." I laughed.

"Honey, I'm home!" I heard as the front door shut.

"What up bitches?" I said standing up and giving everyone hugs.


Everyone was sitting around my living room talking.

"Hey guys lets play a game." Brian said.

"What kind of game?" I asked skeptically.

"It's a new version of truth or dare. See, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on have to either answer a question truthfully or they have to remove a piece of clothing." He smiled.

"Whatever, I'm bored anyways." I replied.

We all got into a circle and Brian spun it and it landed on me. Great.

"Okay Veronica, do you watch porn?" He asked wiggling his eye brows.

"Yes." I simply answered. The look on his face was priceless. He was expecting me to say no.

"That is so hot!" Matt said. I blushed ten shades of crimson. I then spun the bottle and landed on Robyn. I liked this very much.

"Oh Robyn. My dear Robyn, Do you like someone in this room as more then a friend?" I asked her with a smirk attached to my face. She glared at me but answered anyway.

"Yes." She replied. Brian looked at her and smiled. She spun the bottle and it landed on Jimmy.

"So Jimmy, have you ever thought about getting it on with a guy before?" She asked. He simply removed his shirt. I laughed knowing that it was probably true. He spun the bottle and landed on me.

"Do you have feeling for anyone in here?" He asked me. I removed my shirt. I didn't want to tell the truth and I didn't want to lie, so I choose option three.

"Stop looking at my tits!"

"But they're so big! They're so pretty!" Johnny said.

"Hands off. If there is one finger on my boob then someone's gonna have a broken finger." I stated. They all nodded and I spun the bottle. It landed on Johnny. "Are you jealous of Jimmy's height?" I asked him. He nodded not even knowing what I was saying. He was staring at my tits. "Johnny!" I said snapping my fingers in front of his face.He spun the bottle, it landing on Matt.

"So Matt, does Veronica's tit give you a boner?" He asked still staring at me. Matt didn't answer, just took his shirt off. Oh my god his body was so hot! I wanted to touch him.

"Veronica, you're drooling." Brian stated. I looked at Matt and he winked. I laughed a little. Matt spun the bottle and it landed on Zacky.

"So, do you think about Veronica while you jerk it?" He asked him. I almost laughed. He was going to say no. I just know it. He didn't say a word as he pulled his shirt off. I was attracted to Zacky's body more than Matt's. I don't know what it was but I liked it more than I should have. But what shocked me more was that he didn't answer, meaning he didn't want to admit anything. I looked at him and smiled.

An hour later and we were still playing. Everyone was down to their underwear.

"I don't want to play anymore." I said getting up from the floor and headed into the kitchen. I needed some alone time. I didn't care if I was half nude. I sighed and rested my head on the table.

"Headache?" I heard from behind me. I turned and looked at Zacky.

"Yeah, a little bit."I sighed. He nodded and sat down next to me. "I just really want to go to sleep." I said while yawning.

"Want me to get rid of them?" He asked. I nodded and put my head down again. He left the room and I heard a little talking before I heard the door open and close. Zacky came back in with my clothes and set them down on the table.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." He smiled at me. I then stood up and hugged him not caring if I didn't put my clothes on yet.

I regret to inform myself that I have fallen for Zachary James Baker.
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Everybody who reads this is AWESOME!!! I have seven stars now thanks to all of you. 54 people have subscribed and I won't update until I get a comment from twenty of you. I don't care if it's just one word. I'm not asking you to post a whole paragraph. I just want to know what you think of this story. I love you all!!!!